FYI - I've finally gotten to testing this.
It works fine with one problem I've got to overcome.
They use self-signed "dev" certificates on the servers. I have to have a
way to get the file via HTTP instead of HTTPS (unless I can get them to
fix the certificates).
> On 19 Jun 2012, at 06:18, Matt Soffen (Java) wrote:
>>> On 5 Jun 2012, at 18:00, wrote:
>>>> I have this in my line for a WADL I'm dealing with
>>>> <resources base="">
>>>> Is there any way to have the code generated NOT reference this
>>>> specific
>>>> resource base ?
>>> Do you mean something like this to externalise the location of the
>>> resource:
>> Maybe ? However I'm using the CLI and my code uses ant to generate the
>> code so I either need to figure out how to do this in Ant, or have one
>> singular maven task.
> I have merged in a speculative fix so that the Ant task can support the
> uri->classname mapping:
> Unfortunately the <> are not escaped properly in the commit comment; but
> this is what it might look like
> <wjc description="file.wadl" package=""
> autoSchemaPackage="true|false" target="gen-src">
> <customizations dir="." includes="binding.xjc"/>
> <produces dir="gen-src/com/yahoo/search" includes="*.java"/>
> <depends dir="." includes="schema.xsd"/>
> <customClassName uri="" classname="YahooRest" >
> </wjc>
> It is unfortunately un-tested at the moment; but you might like to check
> out the tip and give it a whirl.
>>>> I'm using the following command line to generate my code:
>>>> wadl2java -p com.isone.testing.www.webservices.v1_0 -o
>>>> ../../../workspace/webservices/src v1.0.wadl.xml
>>>> It generates the "base class" using the resource base as part of the
>>>> name:
>>>> WebsvcsdaIsoNeCom_ApiV10
>>>> Is there ANY way to pass in a name to override this default behaviour
>>>> ?
>>> Yes; but currently only for the maven task where you can do something
>>> like
>>> this:
>>> <customClassNames>
>>> <property>
>>> <name>https://.…..</name>
>>> <value>CustomClassName</value>
>>> </property>
>>> </customClassNames>
>>> Does this solve the problem for you?
>> I'll try it and see what I can manage.
> Let me know how you get on,
> Gerard
>> Matt
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