Re: XHTML+RDFa responses

From: Nicolas Rinaudo <>
Date: Fri, 18 Jun 2010 14:33:07 +0200

>> I'm working on a restful webservice that returns XHTML+RDFa responses.
>> The ontology used by these responses is described in an OWL file.
>> I've been trying to work out how to describe my responses format in the
>> service's WADL, but I've been unable to find a satisfactory solution.
>> From what I understand, the first step is to declare a grammars element
>> that links to the OWL file, something like:
>> <grammars>
>> <include href=""/>
>> </grammars>
>> From there, I need to declare the various elements contained in a
>> specific response, with an element such as:
>> <response status="200">
>> <representation mediaType="application/xhtml+xml"/>
>> </response>
>> This is where I get stuck - I can't figure out how to declare that the
>> response contains a ex:MyType RDF entity. The element attribute doesn't
>> seem to be a good idea: according to the specifications, this must point
>> to the root XML element of the response, which in my case is xhtml, not
>> the entity I want to describe.
>> Is there a way to achieve what I'm trying to do with the current
>> specifications ?
> I think you could do what you want with representation parameters. E.g.:
> <response status="200">
> <representation mediaType="application/xhtml+xml">
> <param name="MyType" path="/some/xpath/to/the/element"
> type="ex:MyType"/>
> </representation>
> </response>
> Regards,
> Marc.

Hi Marc,

Thanks a lot for that, I had not even realised I could use the parameters element in such a way. That's exactly what I was looking for.
