I'm working on a restful webservice that returns XHTML+RDFa responses. The ontology used by these responses is described in an OWL file.
I've been trying to work out how to describe my responses format in the service's WADL, but I've been unable to find a satisfactory solution.
From what I understand, the first step is to declare a grammars element that links to the OWL file, something like:
<include href="
From there, I need to declare the various elements contained in a specific response, with an element such as:
<response status="200">
<representation mediaType="application/xhtml+xml"/>
This is where I get stuck - I can't figure out how to declare that the response contains a ex:MyType RDF entity. The element attribute doesn't seem to be a good idea: according to the specifications, this must point to the root XML element of the response, which in my case is xhtml, not the entity I want to describe.
Is there a way to achieve what I'm trying to do with the current specifications ? I guess I can always use a doc element, but that's not entirely satisfactory - it's good for human readers, but I'd like to process my WADL through an XSL sheet to generate my service documentation (bit of a convoluted process, wadl -> docbook -> pdf, but the end result is that I have the guarantee that my documentation is good looking and always up to date).
Thanks for any insight anyone might provide !
Nicolas Rinaudo