Please see comments inline :
> Hi,
> Consider this JAXRS resource :
> @Path("/")
> public class Resource {
> @GET
> @Produces("text/plain")
> public String getValue() {return "plain value";}
> }
> How to have such a plain representation described in WADL ?
> Perhaps
> <representation>
> <param style="plain"/>
> </representation>
> ?
There's no real structure in the response so I'd expect something like:
<response status="200">
<representation mediaType="text/plain"/>
S.B : what if we have
public class Resource {
public void setValue(@PathParam("id") long id, @QueryParam("somequery") int queryValue, Long value) {}
PathParam and QueryParam will be seen as method parameters with 'type' attribute such as "xs:long", etc. It does seem like
plain text representations could have had some optional type information captured too, thus I was thinking about :
<representation mediaType="text/plain">
<param style="plain" type="xs:long"/>
or may be even better :
<param type="xs:long" style="path" name="id"/>
<method name="PUT">
<param type="xs:int" style="query">
<param type="xs:long" style="plain">
no representation element
Not sure if it makes sense though
cheers, Sergey
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