Re: WADL for Amazon SimpleDB?

From: Marc Hadley <Marc.Hadley_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Wed, 08 Apr 2009 14:01:35 -0400

On Apr 7, 2009, at 9:09 PM, Nathan Fiedler wrote:

> I'm working on writing a WADL to describe the Amazon SimpleDB RESTful
> API. So far the domain CRUD operations have been taken care of. Now
> the problem is the PutAttributes and DeleteAttributes operations. They
> take query parameters with variable names, and the number of
> parameters is also variable. Here's an example:
> ?Action=PutAttributes
> &Attribute.0.Name=Color&Attribute.0.Value=Blue
> &Attribute.1.Name=Size&Attribute.1.Value=Med
> &Attribute.2.Name=Price&Attribute.2.Value=0014.99
> &Attribute.2.Replace=true
> &AWSAccessKeyId=[valid access key id]
> &DomainName=MyDomain
> &ItemName=Item123
> &SignatureVersion=2
> &SignatureMethod=HmacSHA256
> &Timestamp=2007-06-25T15%3A03%3A05-07%3A00
> &Version=2007-11-07
> &Signature=gabYTEXUgY%2Fdg817JBmj7HnuAA0%3D
> There are several "Attribute.X.Name" parameters, and corresponding
> Value parameters as well (with optional Replace parameters). The
> sequence always begins with zero and can go up to 255.
> Any ideas on how this can be described in WADL?
Presumably you are looking for something less verbose than a whole
long list of

<param name="Attribute.0.Name" style="query"/>
<param name="Attribute.0.Value" style="query"/>
<param name="Attribute.255.Name" style="query"/>
<param name="Attribute.255.Value" style="query"/>

Unfortunately I can't think of another way to represent this.
