
Re: Namespaced bases

From: Kin-man Chung <kinman.chung_at_oracle.com>
Date: Fri, 09 Apr 2010 11:11:15 -0700

On 04/09/10 06:47, Pete Muir wrote:
> The CDI spec calls for namespaced bean names (see section 2.5). It says
> "A bean may have a bean EL name. A bean with an EL name may be referred to by its name in Unified EL expressions. A valid bean EL name is a period-separated list of valid EL identifiers.
> The following strings are valid EL names:
> * org.mydomain.myapp.settings
> * orderManager"
Just need to make sure I understand, and showing my ignorance about CDI:

The expression #{org.mydomain.myapp.settings.standard} actually means
getting the property "standard" from the bean

org.mydomain.myapp.settings, right? How can this work with the current EL? Wouldn't the expression be parsed as getting the bean "org" and then get its property "mydomain", and then its property "myapp" etc?

Interestingly, the parsing problem we have here is the same as that in the static methods. So maybe we can find a mechanism that works in both cases.

> I would like that we consider if this is something UEL can (should?) support natively. This could be part of BeanLookup contract that Kin-man proposed. We've already discussed whether it is possible to parse out the package name for static method calls, so I hope we can apply the result of that discussion here...
Agreed. Let me think about this/

> Pete
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