
Namespaced bases

From: Pete Muir <pmuir_at_redhat.com>
Date: Fri, 9 Apr 2010 14:47:56 +0100

The CDI spec calls for namespaced bean names (see section 2.5). It says

"A bean may have a bean EL name. A bean with an EL name may be referred to by its name in Unified EL expressions. A valid bean EL name is a period-separated list of valid EL identifiers.

The following strings are valid EL names:

* org.mydomain.myapp.settings
* orderManager"

I would like that we consider if this is something UEL can (should?) support natively. This could be part of BeanLookup contract that Kin-man proposed. We've already discussed whether it is possible to parse out the package name for static method calls, so I hope we can apply the result of that discussion here...

