Re: websockets

From: Chuck Davis <>
Date: Wed, 27 Jul 2016 15:34:08 -0700

I'm studying.....Don't see any differences yet but I'm gonna keep lookin......


On Wed, Jul 27, 2016 at 3:13 PM, Pavel Bucek <> wrote:
> You can take a look at the example (it uses text messages, but modifying it
> to binary should be trivial). We also have unit tests, which do test similar
> thing to what you are trying to do:
> If it doesn't help, feel free to share your code (ideally minimal
> reproducer) and we can take a look.
> Hope it helps,
> Pavel
> On 27/07/16 23:45, Chuck Davis wrote:
>> Hi Pavel:
>> No, my decoder implements Decoder.Binary<DOVariables>.
>> My only interest is exchanging objects -- no text.
>> My ClientEndpoint uses the following:
>> session.getBasicRemote().sendObject(DOVariables); The encoder is
>> apparently working as designed (at least it is getting called).
>> All the stuff I'm reading indicates it can be done but I can't find
>> out how. The API docs say it can be done. The JEE tutorial says it
>> can be done (with snippets I've used as a template)....Nothing so far
>> has worked.
>> As I mentioned, if I include an @OnMessage that takes a String I don't
>> get the exception but neither does the endpoint call my @OnMessage for
>> my DOVariables object. It just sends my object to the String handler.
>> Thanks.
>> On Wed, Jul 27, 2016 at 2:36 PM, Pavel Bucek <>
>> wrote:
>>> Hi Chuck,
>>> you might want to take a look at Tyrus "auction" sample, more concretely
>>> AuctionEndpoint:
>>> "Text message handler not found." usually means that the runtime does not
>>> recognize your @OnMessage annotated method as a text message handler,
>>> which
>>> might happen for various reasons. One question maybe - does your Decoder
>>> implement interface " Decoder.Text", similalry as AuctionMessageDecoder?
>>> [1]
>>> Regards,
>>> Pavel
>>> [1]
>>> On 27/07/16 23:18, Chuck Davis wrote:
>>>> I'm toying with websockets for Java clients (i.e. NOT browser based).
>>>> I have had success sending and receiving String objects. That,
>>>> however, is not too useful so I have been attempting to exchange a
>>>> developer object. Whenever I send it to the server endpoint the
>>>> container throws an exception which includes: "Text message handler
>>>> not found." If I include a String @OnMessage handler that is all that
>>>> ever gets called. Additionally, the exception message includes the
>>>> following: "decoders=[CoderWrapper{coderClass=class
>>>> com.yakridge.server.DOVariablesDecoder, coder=null, type=class
>>>> com.yakridge.common.DOVariables}" which seems to indicate the defined
>>>> decoder for my object is not being instantiated by the container ??
>>>> Does anyone have a link to a complete example that has an annotated
>>>> ServerEndPoint and ClientEndPoint for a developer designed object --
>>>> something more than merely a String or text?
>>>> Thanks for any direction.