Re: websockets

From: Pavel Bucek <>
Date: Thu, 28 Jul 2016 00:13:51 +0200

You can take a look at the example (it uses text messages, but modifying
it to binary should be trivial). We also have unit tests, which do test
similar thing to what you are trying to do:

If it doesn't help, feel free to share your code (ideally minimal
reproducer) and we can take a look.

Hope it helps,

On 27/07/16 23:45, Chuck Davis wrote:
> Hi Pavel:
> No, my decoder implements Decoder.Binary<DOVariables>.
> My only interest is exchanging objects -- no text.
> My ClientEndpoint uses the following:
> session.getBasicRemote().sendObject(DOVariables); The encoder is
> apparently working as designed (at least it is getting called).
> All the stuff I'm reading indicates it can be done but I can't find
> out how. The API docs say it can be done. The JEE tutorial says it
> can be done (with snippets I've used as a template)....Nothing so far
> has worked.
> As I mentioned, if I include an @OnMessage that takes a String I don't
> get the exception but neither does the endpoint call my @OnMessage for
> my DOVariables object. It just sends my object to the String handler.
> Thanks.
> On Wed, Jul 27, 2016 at 2:36 PM, Pavel Bucek <> wrote:
>> Hi Chuck,
>> you might want to take a look at Tyrus "auction" sample, more concretely
>> AuctionEndpoint:
>> "Text message handler not found." usually means that the runtime does not
>> recognize your @OnMessage annotated method as a text message handler, which
>> might happen for various reasons. One question maybe - does your Decoder
>> implement interface " Decoder.Text", similalry as AuctionMessageDecoder? [1]
>> Regards,
>> Pavel
>> [1]
>> On 27/07/16 23:18, Chuck Davis wrote:
>>> I'm toying with websockets for Java clients (i.e. NOT browser based).
>>> I have had success sending and receiving String objects. That,
>>> however, is not too useful so I have been attempting to exchange a
>>> developer object. Whenever I send it to the server endpoint the
>>> container throws an exception which includes: "Text message handler
>>> not found." If I include a String @OnMessage handler that is all that
>>> ever gets called. Additionally, the exception message includes the
>>> following: "decoders=[CoderWrapper{coderClass=class
>>> com.yakridge.server.DOVariablesDecoder, coder=null, type=class
>>> com.yakridge.common.DOVariables}" which seems to indicate the defined
>>> decoder for my object is not being instantiated by the container ??
>>> Does anyone have a link to a complete example that has an annotated
>>> ServerEndPoint and ClientEndPoint for a developer designed object --
>>> something more than merely a String or text?
>>> Thanks for any direction.