Re: Shoal & load balancing

From: Zlatko Josic <>
Date: Sat, 9 Jul 2011 19:04:43 +0200

First, thank you all. Now, I get idea about load balancers.

My company has developed own server we use for recharge prepaid accounts for
mobile phones and it works fine.
System now has 2000 clients permanently connected to the server. Now we want
to add clustering feature to this server.
I have explored how clustering/shoal is used in GlassFish server and have
some questions.

1. GlassFish uses Shoal for web sessions and ejb stateful states replication
and etc. Suppose we have a cluster of three nodes, A,B and C.
If user writes some data to web session on node A does the result of the
write operation going to replicate on nodes A and B.

2. Suppose that only two nodes work in the cluster, A and B. Now we start
third node, C. After C node started would it ask the cluster
for web sessions to be replicated on it, node C?

3. As I mention above all ours clients are permanently connected to the
server. Suppose we have cluster of two nodes, A and B. Also we have a client
connected to node A (the client has created socket connection to communicate
to the server. We have Mina based connectors on the server) .
At some moment at the time node A crashed. Does the client has to create new
socket connection to work with node B or it is possibility of
load balancer to dispatch request to node B? I am not shure if it can work
at all because at that moment node B has not server's socket that is pair
the client's socket.

Thank you for any idea, link,...


On Fri, Jul 8, 2011 at 5:10 PM, Shreedhar Ganapathy <> wrote:

> **
> Wow I am impressed with the community chipping in folks. Thanks very much
> for responding to this question.
> Zlaja, as mentioned by Jorge and Sri Narayanan, the load balancer can be
> anything from Apache with mod_jk to Linux HA to many others in the open
> source and closed source market - most of these support Http an TCP protocol
> in plain text and secure mode through ssl.
> Cheers
> Shreedhar
> On 7/8/11 6:01 AM, Jorge Falcão wrote:
> It's HTTP based searvice?
> You can integrate your app with
> On Fri, Jul 8, 2011 at 8:31 AM, Sri Narayanan <
> > wrote:
>> Usually any clustered design has Load Balancer and it has nothing to do
>> with Shoal.
>> Shoal is just a clustering framework.
>> u can have a look at hazelcast also .
>> The design has to based on the logic
>> On Fri, Jul 8, 2011 at 4:33 PM, Zlatko Josic <>wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I would like to include clustering in Java SE application. Do I need load
>>> balancing in front of cluster?
>>> Does Shoal support load balancing? If not what is the solution for load
>>> balancing? Should I use any other framework
>>> for load balancing or what?
>>> Thanks
>>> Zlaja
>> --
>> Regards,
>> SriNarayanan
> --
> Jorge Falcão,
> Intelie - Inteligência em operação
> 55 21 2240-1193 / 9373-8671