Hi Emanuele,
Thanks for bringing this to my notice. I will try to reproduce this at
my end and will let you know what the problem is at the earliest.
Emanuele wrote:
> I followed exactly Sheetal's code and the problems still remain.
> It seems a little strange behavior that I try to explain shortly:
> A node (say node1) instantiates two cluster (group1 and group2).
> Another node (node2) joins group1; so the two views are:
> group1: [node1, node2]
> group2: [node1]
> node1 and node2 do nothing until node2 crashes without doing a clean
> shutdown.
> When node1 get notified of node2 failure this scenario happens:
> 26-feb-2008 21.19.57 com.sun.enterprise.ee.cms.impl.common.Router
> notifyFailureSuspectedAction
> INFO: Sending FailureSuspectedSignals to registered Actions.
> Member:node2...
> 26-feb-2008 21.20.00 com.sun.enterprise.ee.cms.impl.jxta.ViewWindow
> getMemberTokens
> INFO: GMS View Change Received: Members in view (before change
> analysis) are :
> 26-feb-2008 21.20.00 com.sun.enterprise.ee.cms.impl.jxta.ViewWindow
> newViewObserved
> INFO: Analyzing new membership snapshot received as part of event :
> 26-feb-2008 21.20.00 com.sun.enterprise.ee.cms.impl.jxta.ViewWindow
> addFailureSignals
> INFO: The following member has failed: node1
> and the two views are:
> group1: [node1, node2]
> group2: []
> For Shoal, node1 seems to have crashed even if it is actually up and
> running. So the view of group2 is update eliminating node1. The view
> of group1 is not updated at all, containing an element that isn't
> running anymore.
> In addition, node1 can still access group1 (i.e. to get member list
> and so on)
> Emanuele
> Shreedhar Ganapathy wrote:
>> Hi Emanuele
>> Take at look at
>> shoal/gms/tests/com/sun/enterprise/ee/cms/tests/multigroupjoin/MultiGroupJoinTest.java
>> that Sheetal checked in recently.
>> That should help.
>> regards
>> Shreedhar
>> Emanuele wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> In my app I need that a node instantiate three different group. Here
>>> it is the code:
>>> Runnable gms1R, gms2R, gms3R = null;
>>> Thread gms1T, gms2T, gms3T = null;
>>> Properties properties = new Properties();
>>> gms1R = GMSFactory.startGMSModule(
>>> "node1",
>>> "MainCluster",
>>> GroupManagementService.MemberType.CORE,
>>> properties);
>>> gms1T = new Thread(gms1R, "GMS_Main_Cluster_Thread");
>>> gms2R = GMSFactory.startGMSModule(
>>> "node1",
>>> "group1",
>>> GroupManagementService.MemberType.CORE,
>>> properties);
>>> gms2T = new Thread(gms2R, "GMS_My_Cluster_Thread");
>>> gms3R = GMSFactory.startGMSModule(
>>> "node1",
>>> "SupervisorCluster",
>>> GroupManagementService.MemberType.CORE,
>>> properties);
>>> gms3T = new Thread(gms3R, "GMS_All_Supervisor_Cluster_Thread");
>>> gms1T.start();
>>> gms2T.start();
>>> gms3T.start();
>>> It happens that the node always fails in two groups and I receive
>>> the node notification failure.
>>> It seems that the node remains in the two groups in which it has
>>> failed even if
>>> GroupManagementService.getGroupHandle().getAllCurrentMembers()
>>> returns a zero-size list. Moreover
>>> GMSFactory.getAllGMSInstancesForMember() returns all the three
>>> groups instantiated.
>>> Is this that correct way to instantiate multiple cluster or I'm
>>> missing something?
>>> Thanks.
>>> Emanuele
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