[Shoal-Dev] looking for jxta source used in shoal

From: Dies Koper <>
Date: Wed, 22 Apr 2009 13:35:40 +1000

Hi Shreedhar,

Thank you for the rapid reply.

> I believe at the time, we had used the same bits as the one that shipped
> with GlassFish v2 and GlassFish v2 ur1 but updated a set of classes in
> Jxta that fixed the memory leak to the Jxta jar. At the time, our

That is also what my impression was from the commit log.
It is the jxta source I am looking for.
I have checked the jxta's commit logs around this time (they go back far
enough), but I could not find any commits relating to memory leaks.

Did you not contribute these bug fixes back to jxta?

> tagging process was not properly established and hence we do not have
> corresponding Jxta sources. Are you looking for Shoal sources or are you
> looking for Jxta sources? If the latter, it is probably hard to find as
> the Jxta project moved from the cvs repository to svn repository and we
> dont have the ability to go back to those versions.

At the url I mentioned above I can find various code modifications
around the time that jxta.jar was build. Are you sure the memory leak
bug fix modifications were contributed back to the JXTA project?


> Dies Koper wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > I'm investigating GMS in GlassFish V2UR1, and I'm looking for the source
> > so I can use it in my debugger.
> >
> > I believe GF V2UR1 uses Shoal 1.0ur_11142007.
> > It comes with the binary jxta.jar added below:
> >
> >
> >
> > MAIN:sheetalv:20080110192117 created by sheetalv on 10 January 2008,
> > 13:21:17 -0600 (15 months ago) (patch)
> > adding the patched jxta.jar that has the fix for the memory leak.Bug #
> > 6618242 and 6629769
> > Tags: GFv2ur1_FCS_FINAL
> >
> > * /gms/lib/jxta.jar 1.52
> >
> > Could you tell me where I can find the source corresponding to this jar
> > file?
> > I've searched on the following project website but could not find this
> > release, nor any commits relating to memory leaks around the build time
> > of that jar file.
> >
> >
> > I assume you checked out the JXTA source, made some modifications and
> > built jxta.jar yourself? So I thought I'd try asking on this mailing
> > list first.
> >
> > Thanks!
> > Dies