
[jsr369-experts] Re: [servlet-spec users] Behaviour of AsyncContext.dispatch()

From: Mark Thomas <markt_at_apache.org>
Date: Thu, 12 Feb 2015 12:45:17 +0000

On 11/02/2015 04:31, Greg Wilkins wrote:
> Mark,
> I agree that using the return of getRequestURI as the target is a bad
> idea for several reasons. Not only can it be encoded, the request can
> be wrapped and the wrapper can return arbitrary rubbish!
> If we look at the examples given in the javadoc I think it shows how it
> really should work:
> ||
> | // REQUEST dispatch to /url/A
> AsyncContext ac = request.startAsync();
> ...
> ac.dispatch(); // ASYNC dispatch to /url/A
> // REQUEST to /url/A
> // FORWARD dispatch to /url/B
> request.getRequestDispatcher("/url/B").forward(request,response);
> // Start async operation from within the target of the FORWARD
> // dispatch
> ac = request.startAsync();
> ...
> ac.dispatch(); // ASYNC dispatch to /url/A
> // REQUEST to /url/A
> // FORWARD dispatch to /url/B
> request.getRequestDispatcher("/url/B").forward(request,response);
> // Start async operation from within the target of the FORWARD
> // dispatch
> ac = request.startAsync(request,response);
> ...
> ac.dispatch(); // ASYNC dispatch to /url/B
> |
> I think this is saying that if startAsync() is used, then the original
> dispatch target is used: /usr/A. If startAsync(request,response) is
> used then the last dispatch target is used. In this example it is
> /url/B regardless of what the request wrapper says.
> So how about we change the paragraph
> If the asynchronous cycle was started
> with |ServletRequest.startAsync(ServletRequest, ServletResponse)
> <eclipse-javadoc:%E2%98%82=apache-jsp/%5C/home%5C/gregw%5C/.m2%5C/repository%5C/javax%5C/servlet%5C/javax.servlet-api%5C/3.1.0%5C/javax.servlet-api-3.1.0.jar%3Cjavax.servlet(AsyncContext.class%E2%98%83AsyncContext~dispatch%E2%98%82ServletRequest%E2%98%82startAsync%E2%98%82ServletRequest%E2%98%82ServletResponse>|,
> and the request passed is an instance of HttpServletRequest, then the
> dispatch is to the URI returned
> by|javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest.getRequestURI
> <eclipse-javadoc:%E2%98%82=apache-jsp/%5C/home%5C/gregw%5C/.m2%5C/repository%5C/javax%5C/servlet%5C/javax.servlet-api%5C/3.1.0%5C/javax.servlet-api-3.1.0.jar%3Cjavax.servlet(AsyncContext.class%E2%98%83AsyncContext~dispatch%E2%98%82javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest%E2%98%82getRequestURI>|.
> Otherwise, the dispatch is to the URI of the request when it was last
> dispatched by the container.
> to
> If the asynchronous cycle was started with
> ServletRequest.startAsync(ServletRequest,ServletResponse) then the
> dispatch is to the URI of the last dispatch prior to the startAsync of
> type REQUEST, ASYNC or FORWARD. Otherwise the dispatch is to the URI
> of the last dispatch prior to the startAsync of type REQUEST or ASYNC.
> Using the precise DispatcherType should avoid any confusion.

s/URI/concatenation of the ServletPath and PathInfo/ plus address
SERVLET_SPEC-18 and I'm sold.


> This is what jetty is doing, which I think it equivalent to what you
> describe tomcat is doing in 99.999% of circumstances.
> cheers
> On 11 February 2015 at 09:53, Mark Thomas <markt_at_apache.org
> <mailto:markt_at_apache.org>> wrote:
> The current definition of AsyncContext.dispatch() states:
> <quote>
> ... the dispatch is to the URI returned by
> HttpServletRequest.getRequestURI()
> </quote>
> This is problematic when implementing when the request URI is something
> like:
> "/foo/bar/../../abc/../f%24o/bar"
> It would be far simpler (and this is what Tomcat does) to map
> AsyncContext.dispatch() to AsyncContext.dispatch(servletPath + pathInfo)
> The main difference is that request.getRequestURI() returns a decoded
> and normalized value with Tomcat's approach as opposed to a undecoded,
> unnormalized value using the spec described approach.
> Note that the original undecoded, unnormalized URI is always available
> via a request attribute.
> What are other containers doing?
> Is Tomcat's approach acceptable?
> If yes, should the spec be changed to reflect this? (If we do we
> *really* need to address SERVLET_SPEC_18.)
> Mark
> --
> Greg Wilkins <gregw_at_intalio.com <mailto:gregw_at_intalio.com>> @ Webtide
> - /an Intalio subsidiary/
> http://eclipse.org/jetty HTTP, SPDY, Websocket server and client that scales
> http://www.webtide.com advice and support for jetty and cometd.