
[jsr369-experts] What to do about ALPN? (was: Question about TLS 1.2 Application-Layer Protocol Negotiation Extension)

From: Edward Burns <edward.burns_at_oracle.com>
Date: Mon, 2 Feb 2015 12:56:57 -0800

>>>>> On Wed, 7 Jan 2015 12:25:51 -0800, Edward Burns <edward.burns_at_oracle.com> said:

EB> SECTION: Help with ALPN support

>>>>> On Wed, 17 Dec 2014 09:33:34 +1100, Stuart Douglas <sdouglas_at_redhat.com> said:

EB> Such missed opportunities are the breeding ground for useful FOSS, such
EB> as the work on ALPN in Jetty. I know that's cold comfort for the Tomcat
EB> community, but perhaps Apache HTTPClient cold add support for ALPN?

GW> Our ALPN extension is open sourced and available for other container to
GW> use and I know that some are doing so and have even contributed some
GW> pull requests. https://github.com/jetty-project/jetty-alpn

SD> This is the route we have taken. Its not a great solution though because
SD> the version of the jar you need is different for each JDK.

SD> This would be much easier if it was just part of the JDK.

EB> No doubt, it would be easier.

EB> I have taken the matter to the authorities here at Oracle and I am told
EB> that there will be no standard API in JDK 8 that will help with ALPN.

I have some good news on this point. This was just sent to openjdk
minutes ago:


Now, you'll see no mention of making this available on JDK8 in this
email, but if you click on the JEP link you'll see:

XF> As Java SE 8 had released, we cannot update public APIs to Java SE 8
XF> any more. May need alternative approach (hard-coded or system
XF> property) to configure the advertised protocols for Java SE 8.

That will have to do for the moment. Please know that the JDK team is
aware of the need for this on JDK 8, but priorities dictate that we work
on JDK 9 first.


| edward.burns_at_oracle.com | office: +1 407 458 0017
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