
[jsr369-experts] Data Structures and Session Replication

From: Edward Burns <edward.burns_at_oracle.com>
Date: Mon, 9 Feb 2015 05:42:17 -0800

My pal Mark Struberg sent this to the users list moments ago and I feel
it is important to bring to the formal list. We've faced this problem
in JSF and have a brute force solution, but would welcome something
better. I don't have a good suggestion, though!

>>>>> On Mon, 9 Feb 2015 13:06:14 +0000 (UTC), Mark Struberg <struberg_at_yahoo.de> said:

MS> I came across this a few times already and I think it's finally time
MS> to resolve the following underspecified behaviour.

MS> Some servlet container support so called 'delta-replication'. That
MS> means they only transfer session attributes to another cluster node
MS> if they got changed in a request (instead of always transferring ALL
MS> the session content to the other node/nodes). This is a nice feature
MS> as it sometimes helps to heavily reduce the network traffic.

MS> The underspecified area is how to detect WHAT to transfer.

MS> Tomcat e.g. only transfers attributes which got set via a
MS> Session#setAttribute() in the current request. Other containers have
MS> since mimicked this behaviour but still there are subtle
MS> differences.

MS> The tricky point is how to tell the servlet container that some
MS> attributes needs to get transferred despite it's instance reference
MS> in the Sessions attribute map did not change at all.

MS> E.g. consider a

MS> List<PurchaseItem> shoppingCart = new ArrayList<>();
MS> session.setAttribute("shoppingcart", shoppingCart);

MS> Now even if you change the content of the shoppingCart in subsequent
MS> requests the reference itself does NOT change. To tell Tomcat that
MS> this attribute still needs to be transferred in the
MS> delta-replication you have to invoke session.setAttribute again in
MS> those requests where you changed it's content.

MS> I've seen this working pretty well but there are quite a few things
MS> which can get wrong.

MS> E.g. Tomcat detects that setAttribute replaces 'itself' and thus
MS> suppresses the attribute 'destroyal'. Other containers just send out
MS> all the events like HttpSessionBindingListener#valueUnbound, etc.

JSF has an option com.sun.faces.enableAgressiveSessionDirtying (sic)
that does this for all JSF session scoped managed beans.

MS> At the end I was not able to get delta-replication running portably
MS> across servers and had to switch the feature off in a few of them.

MS> I'm not quite sure if delta-replication should get mentioned in the
MS> spec at all but maybe it's worth to at least unify the 'destroyal'
MS> of attributes in such a case.

MS> There are a few more subtle differences and maybe other users also
MS> have some quirks mode/hack/workaround to share.

This is an ancient problem, I would expect others have solved it
already. Even though the set of solutions may include it, I think we
should not try to come up with some "automatic" solution. Rather,
consider if we can create an API for developers to call that advises the
Servlet that a particular entry in the session should be replicated.


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