
[jsr369-experts] Question about TLS 1.2 Application-Layer Protocol Negotiation Extension

From: 정의근 <Eugene>
Date: Thu, 27 Nov 2014 13:49:03 +0900


HTTP/2 requires ALPN extension(rfc7301) for HTTP/2 over TLS.
But Servlet 4.0(Java EE 8) will be based on Java SE 8, which is already

Java SE 8, exactly JSSE in it, doesn't support ALPN extension.
I have been investigating but I couldn't find the way to use ALPN in a
standard fashion for container developers.

Is there any plan for this? (endorsed JSSE for Java SE 8?)
Or any other standard mechanism that I don't know?

Best regards,
Eugene Chung (Korean : 정의근)