Before EDR, there were discussions about the adding a API to change session.
Let me summarize what we have discussion:
I. change session id API - three options was discussed
A. add API to HttpSession
String changeId(); // return the id
B. add API to HttpSession
a. String changeId(HttpServletRequest req);
b. String changeId(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res);
C . add API to HttpServletRequest
String changeSessionId();
My preference would be (c).
II. event - three options are discussed
A. add API to HttpSessionListener // will break backward compatibility
a. void sessionIdChanged (HttpSessionEvent se);
b. void sessionIdChanged(HttpSessionEvent se, String oldSessionId);
B. add attribute javax.servlet.http.session.id attribute
and notify using
C. add a new listener, HttpSessionIdListener
void sessionIdChanged(HttpSessionEvent se, String oldSessionId);
I prefer (c).
Any comments?
Shing Wai Chan