Re: [SAAJ-USR] Mimepull temp files issue

From: Jonathan Avraham <>
Date: Sun, 17 Jan 2010 14:13:38 +0200

Hi All,

I am running under Windows OS and UNIX, in both cases the files are not
delet ed but in UNIX theyare free to be deleted where as in Windows they are
locked until the tomcat service is stopped.

I have tried your suggestion, first of all I must say that the SOAPMessage
object is terminated at the end of the scope it is defined in so setting it
to null is redundant. I tried forcing the gc after the scope ended, indeed
the file was deleted.

There is a bit of problem here, the gc is automatically performed when there
is low memory available in the heap, however the temp file deletion is a
hard drive space issue. The two do not correlate and this causes my drive to
fill up.


On Fri, Jan 15, 2010 at 9:38 AM, Kumar Jayanti <>wrote:

> Hi Jonathan,
> Kumar Jayanti wrote:
> Hi Jitu,
> Jonathan Avraham wrote:
> Hi,
> I am using SAAJ 1.3.4 with mimepull enabled for large attachment support.
> I am using getRawContent() from the attachment , I then proceed to extract
> what I need from the Inputstream.
> The problem is that the temp file created for the message is not deleted
> and still kept open by the system, this means I can't even delete
> it manually until I restart tomcat.
> I have tried closing the Inputstream, clearing the content from the
> attachment and clearing the hole SOAPMessage, nothing worked.
> What am i doing wrong?
> I have obviously missed some step to clean up the temp files created by
> MimePull in my usage of the API in SAAJ. Can you tell me how we can cause
> the MimePull runtime to delete temp-files ?.
> The SAAJ MessageImpl class holds onto the MimePullMultipart which inturn
> holds the individual Mime Parts. So what did you mean by clearing the whole
> SOAPMessage. Make sure you are setting all reference's to the message in
> your application to null.
> //application code
> SOAPMessage message = ....
> //code that uses the messages, reads attachments etc
> //release the reference to the message
> message = null;
> If this still does not cleanup the temp files (after sometime) then i
> believe i will need to talk to the MimePull lead and get back.From looking
> at the code of MimePull, it appears they make use of WeakReference to a
> DataFile. Try to force a GC cycle and see if that clears it up. Are you
> running on Windows OS ?.
> I would need feedback from you on whether any of this helps so i can update
> the blog post. I will also try to experiment the condition that you are
> seeing but i will get to it next week.
> As far as i can see if you call clearContent() on an AttachmentPart the
> code clears the MimePart that it is holding onto so this is definitely not a
> problem.
> regards,
> kumar