I have a SOAP with attachments MIME message that is missing the closing
boundary. I would like for the MessageFactory.createMessage( MimeHeaders,
IntputStream ) method to throw a SOAPException in response to this missing
closing boundary. I am using SAAJ 1.3.4.
I've looked through the
and MimeMulltipart.java files and I see the lines where the author(s)
commented out the exception's and reasoned that "it is allowed to have Mime
Package without closing boundary".
With the JavaMail API, I had multiple options for finding out if the end
boundary was missing. The javax.mail.internet.MimeMultipart class offered an
isComplete() method and also respected the "mail.mime.multipart.
ignoremissingendboundary" property. When this property was false, the
MimeMultipart would fail to be created and would throw an exception.
Is there a way to have SAAJ reject messages that are missing the closing
boundary that I have missed?
Is this something I should open an issue for or submit an enhancement for?