Problems with m2e workspace resolution & episodic compilation

From: Jeffrey E Care <>
Date: Thu, 7 Mar 2013 12:31:11 -0500

I'm having problems with episodic compilation with m2e when workspace
resolution of dependencies is enabled.

A few observations & salient details:
*Everything works fine on the command line; our production builds work as
*If I turn off workspace dependency resolution for the projects that have
schema/episode dependencies things seem to work okay in Eclipse; I'm
trying a final test to verify this now.
*I'm using version 0.8.3 of the plugin (latest available at the time of
this writing).

My hunch is that the problems are related to the way that m2e modifies the
effective POM to replace artifact JAR references with classes directories.
I tried playing around with using a custom version of the JAXB plugin to
detect this & I got a little further but got stuck somewhere else. I don't
know terribly much about JAXB or the xjc tool. I have captured some output
from the m2e Maven console if that would be helpful.

Has anyone else seen or heard about a similar problem?

Jeffrey E. (Jeff) Care
Advisory Software Engineer | IBM Watson Solutions Release Engineering
email: | External: 919-543-4907 | Tie line: 441-4907

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