Re: redeployment with maven-glassfish-plugin

From: Wouter van Reeven <>
Date: Thu, 5 Aug 2010 10:33:30 +0200

Yes I agree this is far from a perfect solution. It would be great if
either there would be a "force" option that actually works, or calling
undeploy would not throw an error that will cause Maven to exit. Your
solution of commenting out parts in the pom might more or less work for
a development environment, but is a pain when a continuous integration
server like Hudson is involved. That is exactly why I turned to actually
calling asadmin via the Ant task, so I have all the control I need
without modifying the pom with each deployment.


On Thu, Aug 05, 2010 at 11:27:54AM +0300, janne postilista wrote:
> What I am using right now is that I have both goals undeploy and deploy
> configured in my pom.xml. When I deploy a module for the very first time in CI
> environment, I comment out the undeploy part. After the module has been
> deployed once, I uncomment the undeploy so that each build does 1. undeploy 2.
> deploy.
> I don't see why this would not more or less work....obviously it's very far
> from perfect solution.
> On Thu, Aug 5, 2010 at 11:00 AM, Wouter van Reeven <>
> wrote:
> Hi Janne,
> I was facing the same problem. To make things worse, I am involved in a
> project that both contains Java EE and OpenESB/JBI components. There is
> no "force" option for deploying a JBI component, even outside the
> Maven GlassFish plugin.
> In the end I turned to using the Maven Ant plugin and I am calling
> asadmin directly. In order to check whether I should do an undeploy
> first, I use the asadmin show-component-status command to check if my
> Java EE app already has been deployed (or a similar command for a JBI
> component).
> HTH, Wouter
> On Thu, Aug 05, 2010 at 10:51:10AM +0300, janne postilista wrote:
> > I'm configuring automatic CI builds with maven-glassfish-plugin.
> >
> > How can I redeploy my application (webapp for example) so that it works
> > regardless of whether the application is deployed or not?
> >
> > - Goals redeploy and undeploy stop / fail my build if application is not
> > deployed before
> > - Goal deploy stops / fails my build if application IS deployed
> >
> > I have also tried setting <force>true</force> but this does not get
> passed on
> > to asadmin command (maven-glassfish-plugin version 2.1 from http://
> >
> >
> >
> which-maven-glassfish-plugin-to-use
> > also indicates that there's no good solution. Is this true?
> >
> > "The main problem I had with the maven-glassfish-plugin is the fact that
> its
> > interaction with the Glassfish server is stateful - I could not find a
> way to
> > use it such that my WAR would get deployed to the server in any case, no
> matter
> > whether the previous build succeeded or not.glassfish:deploy does not
> work if
> > the WAR is deployed already. glassfish:redeploy does not work if the WAR
> is not
> > deployed. And Maven has no if-else logic..."
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