What I am using right now is that I have both goals undeploy and deploy
configured in my pom.xml. When I deploy a module for the very first time in
CI environment, I comment out the undeploy part. After the module has been
deployed once, I uncomment the undeploy so that each build does 1. undeploy
2. deploy.
I don't see why this would not more or less work....obviously it's very far
from perfect solution.
On Thu, Aug 5, 2010 at 11:00 AM, Wouter van Reeven <wouter_at_van.reeven.nl>wrote:
> Hi Janne,
> I was facing the same problem. To make things worse, I am involved in a
> project that both contains Java EE and OpenESB/JBI components. There is
> no "force" option for deploying a JBI component, even outside the
> Maven GlassFish plugin.
> In the end I turned to using the Maven Ant plugin and I am calling
> asadmin directly. In order to check whether I should do an undeploy
> first, I use the asadmin show-component-status command to check if my
> Java EE app already has been deployed (or a similar command for a JBI
> component).
> HTH, Wouter
> On Thu, Aug 05, 2010 at 10:51:10AM +0300, janne postilista wrote:
> > I'm configuring automatic CI builds with maven-glassfish-plugin.
> >
> > How can I redeploy my application (webapp for example) so that it works
> > regardless of whether the application is deployed or not?
> >
> > - Goals redeploy and undeploy stop / fail my build if application is not
> > deployed before
> > - Goal deploy stops / fails my build if application IS deployed
> >
> > I have also tried setting <force>true</force> but this does not get
> passed on
> > to asadmin command (maven-glassfish-plugin version 2.1 from http://
> > download.java.net/maven/2)
> >
> >
> http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1836317/which-maven-glassfish-plugin-to-use
> > also indicates that there's no good solution. Is this true?
> >
> > "The main problem I had with the maven-glassfish-plugin is the fact that
> its
> > interaction with the Glassfish server is stateful - I could not find a
> way to
> > use it such that my WAR would get deployed to the server in any case, no
> matter
> > whether the previous build succeeded or not.glassfish:deploy does not
> work if
> > the WAR is deployed already. glassfish:redeploy does not work if the WAR
> is not
> > deployed. And Maven has no if-else logic..."
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