OK, thanks Dave for your answer.
I just created this improvement request into Jira:
On Sun, Aug 2, 2009 at 1:06 PM, Dave Whitla <dave.whitla_at_ocean.net.au>wrote:
> Hi Pascal,
> While the ability to deploy to remote hosts was in the original design for
> the plugin, it was not implemented.
> I have introduced this in version 3.0 which I have been working on since
> the last release.
> Regrettably my personal and work life have been very full for the last few
> months and I have not yet got 3.0 to a release.
> If you would like to be notified when this feature has been released please
> add it as an enhancement request via the JIRA at
> http://jira.ocean.net.au/browse/MGP .
> You will then receive an email upon any status changes.
> Dave
> On 02/08/2009, at 12:09 AM, Pascal Maugeri wrote:
> Hi
>> I've read the plugin documentation but still it is not clear for me how to
>> deploy a war built with maven glassfish plugin to a remote running
>> glassfish.
>> My objective is to have the following scenario running everynight (we use
>> continuum):
>> 1) a war package of my HTTP servlet is built with maven glassfish plugin,
>> 2) this war package is deployed in a remote glassfish server used for a
>> testing,
>> 3) JUnit tests are executed on the local machine using the remote
>> glassfish server as the target system
>> Could you explain me how to configure the maven glassfish plugin pom.xml
>> and the remote glassfish server ?
>> Thanks in advance
>> Pascal
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