Re: Deploying Service Assemblies.

From: Ronnie Duncan <>
Date: Fri, 13 Feb 2009 14:31:57 -0400


First off, I have switched to using my gmail account as I don't know the
rules around code submission with Sun email addresses :). I am a contractor
for Sun and don't want to have to deal with that if it ever became an issue.

 I have implemented a couple of goals (shut-down-jbi-service-assembly,
undeploy-jbi-service-assembly, undeploy-jbi-service-assembly,
start-jbi-service-assembly) for the service assemblies and have it working
to remote and local hosts. I simply 'copied' your deploy command and mojo
and modified as per the goal I was implementing.

I do have a couple of points of discussion/questions as I have never really
looked at developing maven plugins...

   - the names of the goals, do you want them to match asadmin? For
   example, I think shut-down-jbi-service-assembly should be
   shutdown-jbi-service-assembly but the developers of asadmin think
   - 'per goal parameters' - ie. the --force option. What would be the best
   way to include multiple goals in the execution of the plugin but have some
   use the --force option and others not? In other words you may want to force
   the shutdown or undeploy. Is having a seperate plugin section and adding
   the force option, similar to the way the terse or echo paramters are
   implemented, the only way / best way to accomplish this?
   - Another thing is the glassfish requirement that the service assembly is
   shutdown before undeploy and a service assembly start is required after the
   deploy. I presume nothing should be done automatically (the deploy
   automatically call start service assembly) and that is left up to the end

Anyway, if you are interested in incorporating this or want to take a look
and make suggestions let me know.

Ronnie D.

On Fri, Feb 13, 2009 at 1:56 PM, Ronnie Duncan <>wrote:

> -------- Original Message -------- Subject: Re: Deploying Service
> Assemblies. Date: Thu, 12 Feb 2009 14:47:33 +1000 From: Dave Whitla
> <> <> Reply-To:
> To:
> References:
> <> <>
> Ronnie,
> I haven't done it yet.
> I am happy to accept input.
> I am considering moving the source to Mercurial shortly to make this
> kind of collaboration easier, as I have already moved my other stuff
> to Mercurial.
> Your thoughts would be appreciated.
> On Feb 12, 2009, at 7:24 AM, Ronnie Duncan wrote:
> > Hey,
> >
> > From briefly looking through the source it doesn't look as though
> > service assembly commands have been implemented (start, shutdown,
> > deploy, undeploy...). Are there any plans to? I don't mind
> > attempting to implement it but don't want to do something redundant.
> >
> > Ronnie D.
> >
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> <> *Ronnie Duncan*
> Professional Services Delivery
> Software Solution Specialist
> *Sun Microsystems of Canada Inc.*
> 133 Prince William St., Suite 102
> Saint John, NB E2L 2B5 Canada
> Phone: 1.506.867.4940
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