2017-03-10 15:26 GMT+01:00 Roman Grigoriadi <roman.grigoriadi_at_oracle.com>:
> Hi,
> I like suggested approach with listeners. That way impls may provide
> BVListener if they choose to, and impl users may do whatever they like in
> something like onDeserializeObject / onDeserializeArray. Not sure if
> JsonbAdapter<Object,Object> is nice way to go. Also, if
> JsonbAdapter<Object,Object> would work for any object than it appears to me
> it must end up with StackOverflowError similar to JsonbAdapter<User,User>
Not sure for last part since it is easy to detect next type = old one and
just stop looping but can be too heavy in term of processing, agreed.
> Regards,
> Roman
> On 03/10/2017 02:57 PM, Dmitry Kornilov wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Let me put my 2 cents here. I think that BV support makes sense on
>> deserialization. The scope of JSONB 1.0 is already defined. We will come
>> back to this conversation when we will start working on the next version of
>> the spec.
>> Thanks,
>> Dmitry
>> On 09/03/2017, 23:26, "gunnar.morling_at_googlemail.com" <
>> gunnar.morling_at_googlemail.com> wrote:
>> Hi Romain,
>> > And also way harder for all frameworks cause in 99% of the
>> cases
>> > this will be configurable cause in properties and not usable cause
>> > hidden in the framework stacks
>> I'm not quite following. Integrators doing their own validation
>> anyways, such as JAX-RS, wouldn't use this feature in JSON-B. So how
>> would things get harder for them?
>> > a lib using jsonb to read its config. Here it makes sense to
>> integrate
>> > with BV
>> Right, that's the use case I'd have in mind. As you say, they
>> could
>> validate themselves. Having support for this in JSON-B would just
>> make
>> this case a bit simpler.
>> It'd be
>> Validator validator = Validation.buildDefaultValidat
>> orFactory()
>> .getValidator();
>> Jsonb jsonb = JsonbBuilder.create();
>> Person p = jsonb.fromJson( "...", Person.class );
>> Set<ConstraintViolation<Person>> violations =
>> validator.validate( p
>> );
>> if ( !violations.isEmpty() ) {
>> // throw some exception
>> }
>> Vs.
>> Jsonb jsonb = JsonbBuilder.create(
>> new JsonbConfig()
>> .withValidationMode( CALLBACK )
>> );
>> Person p = jsonb.fromJson( "...", Person.class );
>> So it saves a bit. Nothing more and nothing less :)
>> Maybe others have thoughts on this, too?
>> Cheers,
>> --Gunnar