[jsonb-spec users] Re: Public Draft Feedback

From: Dmitry Kornilov <>
Date: Fri, 10 Mar 2017 14:52:53 +0100

Hi Gunnar,

See my answers inline.

On 10/03/2017, 00:12, "" <> wrote:

    * JsonbConfig#withFormatting() and withNullValues(): why do these take
    a Boolean instead of a primitive boolean? What's the semantics of
    passing null?

Jsonb configuration is just a Map<String, Object>. It’s possible to get/put properties there using JsonbConfig::getProperty/setProperty methods. It’s possible to set the formatting property this way:
Config.setProperty(JsonbConfig.FORMATTING, Boolean.valueOf(true));
Assuming above we have object wrapper in withFormatting and with NullValues methods.
    * JsonbConfig#withAdapters(): how are those applied exactly? If I e.g.
    pass an adapter for A, will it be applied for B extends A? It seems not
    to be the case with the RI currently, but that'd seem useful. If an
    adapter is given via @JsonbTypeAdapter, does it take precedence over a
    matching adapter given via withAdapters()? I couldn't find rules for
    adapter resolution.

Adapters are applied to the exact type you specify and JsonbTypeAdapter annotation has a higher priority than JsonbConfig.withAdapters.

    * JsonbTypeAdapter: It supports targets ANNOTATION_TYPE, TYPE, FIELD,
    and METHOD, but the javadocs only mention the latter two
Javadoc is fixed. ☺
Serializer/Deserialized javadocs had the same problem. I fixed it as well.

    * Serialization of graphs with cycles: the RI caused me a stack
    overflow when trying to do this; shouldn't rather an exception be
    raised that a cycle was detected, indicating the involved nodes? I
    couldn't find anything on this topic in the spec. @JsonbTransient
    together with something like JAXB's afterUnmarshal() [1] might help to
    address this case
Spec doesn’t specify this behaviour. It’s up to implementations how to handle it.

    * 3.6 Untyped Mapping: for true/false, why is it Boolean over boolean?

It’s for *unspecified* type or if type is *java.lang.Object*. If the target type is primitive it’s specified, isn’t it? ;)

    * Jsonb: JavaDocs mention fromJson()/toJson() accepting a File, but
    it's not there in the code

Wrong Javadoc. I changed it to FileReader/FileWriter.
    * Jsonb#toJson(): What is the purpose of the type parameter? In which
    situation would this be different from the given object's type?
In case of generics.

    * Jsonb/JsonbBuilder: Are implementations supposed to be thread-safe?
    I.e. can one safely keep them as application-scoped beans?
The spec doesn’t have thread safety requirements, so it’s up to implementations. Yasson is thread-safe.

    * JsonbProvider: I'd suggest to add a provider() overload accepting a
    classloader which can be passed to the service loader

We will think about it for the next version.