[jsonb-spec users] [jsr367-experts] [ADMIN] Welcome to the JSON-Binding 1.0 Expert Group (EG)

From: Martin Grebac <>
Date: Sat, 20 Dec 2014 21:06:36 +0100


   Hello and welcome to the JSR-367 Expert Group for
   developing version 1.0 of the Java API for JSON Binding
   specification. If you're a veteran of JCP processes, thanks for
   joining the efforts again, we're very glad to have you. If
   you're new to JCP spec development, welcome! We look
   forward to more fresh ideas. My name is Martin Grebac and I will be
   your spec lead for this JSR. This email signals the EG group for
   JSR 367 has been formed, though 1 or 2 experts are expected to join
   the EG later, and are currently within JCP approval process.


   As stated on our JSR [1], The primary goals for this JSR is to design
   API for JSON Binding similar to the one of Java API for XML Binding.
   The list will be used for technical
   discussions in JSR-367.

Getting to know each other

   I know some of you from previous discussions, but most are new. I'd like
   for everyone to share their user name, and I'll add everyone to
   the project (as I already did for some of you).
   Please fill in your profile.


   Java API for JSON Binding 1.0 is a standalone JSR, though it is also
   part of the Java EE 8 platform schedule with an expected inclusion
   into the Java EE platform, and will depend on Java SE 8.

Rights and Responsibilities

   Let's use this opportunity to lay out some rights and responsibilites of the
   JSR-367 Spec Lead and EG members.

   * Your rights as a JSR-367-EG member

      - timely response to emails

      - the issues you raise get dealt with and not fall on the floor

      - be informed of schedule milestones and release plans as soon as

      - have your spec lead be fully allocated to leading the EG as
        their primary official job responsibility, on paper and in

      - have expectations set realistically, for example, the EG needs to
        be made aware that the JCP process can take a long time, between
        when the actual spec discussion work is done, and when it is
        final. During that time, We are going through JCP process steps,
        working on the TCK and polishing the RI, writing the
        documentation, integrating it into the release vehicle, and
        qualifying it with third party products.

      - have access to quality tools for distributed collaborative
        development. For example, the issue tracker, wiki, and mailing lists

   * Your responsibilities as an EG Member

      - be active in email discussions

      - On the rare occasions when we specifically ask for a VOTE, such
        as whether or not we declare that we've hit a JCP milestone, cast

      - conduct all email in a professional manner, no flaming

      - follow email discussion guidelines in this message

      - stay within the scope of the JSR

      - respect the spec lead's final call on the schedule for the JSR.

   * Our rights as spec leads

      - The ability to make the final call on the schedule for the JSR,
        after sincerely considering EG input.

      - The ability to make executive decisions to settle deadlocks

      - The ability to shut down threads that are digressions.

   * Our responsiblities as spec leads

      - All new discussion threads receive a response within two days
        from a spec lead, barring planned absences.

      - All discussion threads managed. If appropriate, they are
        associated with an issue-tracker issue.

      - see that each discussion thread is summarized and labeled as
        CLOSED when the discussion is resolved.

      - keep the spec document up-to-date as issues are resolved


   All official spec discussion will happen on This list is archived at [2] and all
   emails are automatically sent to users mailing list as well.
   Please make sure that you can access the archive.

   Please send all mail in ASCII, not HTML. If you must, non ASCII
   attachments are ok, but generally it's better to put that sort of
   thing as an attachment to an issue in the issue-tracker.

   We'll use the issue tracker for all
   issues. We'll use the the project's git repository
   to host the development of the spec itself.

   We may have occasional conference calls if the need arises.

Reference Implementation and TCK

   The official reference implementation for JSR-367 will be developed
   in the open, further details will be provided. The TCK will be developed
   by Oracle internally.

Email practices

   Following conventions used by some other JSRs seem to work reasonably well,
   especially for the purposes of looking back over the archive, so please
   follow them in all communication.

     The subject line of All core discussion threads will be prefixed by
     TargetVersion is optional especially in the initial stages of the JSR
     and is assumed to be 1.0 if omitted. IssueNumber is the issue number in
     the jsonb-spec issue tracker.
     ShortName is a WikiWord that enables us to look at the email subject
     line and quickly recall the topic of the thread. For example,
     Subject: "[43-EnumMapping] Proposal"

     If you want to originate a thread, send it to the EG prefixed by
     [NEW] in the subject line. If the spec lead sees the need for an
     issue tracker issue, I'll put it in the issue tracker, re-subject
     the email to be prefixed with [IssueNumber-ShortName], and
     discussion will continue on that thread, NOT the thread with [NEW]
     in the title.

     Put [ADMIN] at the start of the subject line for all schedule and
     administrative related emails. If there is a need to address private
     administrative matters, please send an email directly to me.

   I am open to other suggestions about how to best conduct the EG
   discussions over email.

Next Steps
   Following this email will be the work plan, including the planned
   dates for the first JCP milestone, and a range of possible dates for
   the other JCP milestones. Work will be broken up into two or three
   week periods. At the end of each work period, I or Martin Vojtek will
   integrate the completed threads into the spec and produce another spec

   Since we are starting at the end of the year, where high percentage of
   us are mostly unavailable, I don't plan to initiate discussions
   sooner than in the week of January 5th, as well as you should not expect
   timely responses during this period.

Again, welcome, and I look forward to collaborating in the coming months!

   Martin Grebac


