No problem! I appreciate the feedback you've given and would be happy
to see any writeup that you create.
Good luck!
Oliver Wolff wrote:
> Hi Ken, Hi Jason
> Thanks for your support. But for my prototype I switched back to plain
> jsps: It will presented next monday and JSFT was not fast enough for
> me (to many questions). Maybe later for the implementation.
> BTW: IF you like to I will write a sum up like "jsft for faclets user"
> when I start the implementation. This will maybe help other switchers.
> Regards & Thanks for your suport
> Oliver
> Ken Paulsen schrieb:
>> Oliver Wolff wrote:
>>> Hi Ken, Hi Jason
>>> Thanks for your input. I got the first working
>>> jsftemplating-faceletes output:
>>> What did I do:
>>> I used xhtml for the the composition File AND for the layout file.
>>> The layout file needs the suffix xhtml otherwise there will be
>>> thrown an exception
>>> "No LayoutDefinitionManager available for
>>> '../composition/layout.html'. This may mean the file cannot be
>>> found, or is unrecognizable.
>>> "
>>> What did not work compared to facelets:
>>> layout.xhtml:
>>> <w:head debug="false" webuiAll="true" webuiJsfx="true"
>>> styleSheet="true">
>>> <f:facet name="title">
>>> <ui:insert name="page_title">Default Title</ui:insert>
>>> </f:facet>
>>> </w:head>
>>> using this way for the title results in an empty title-tag and the
>>> <ui:insert name="page_title"> output rendered to a wrong position
>>> (plain text, without title tag. see result.xhtml)
>>> What is the way for jsftemplating to do something like that?
>> I think the bug in JSFT here is that <ui:insert /> is not working
>> inside a <f:facet>. I think the limitation is that <ui:insert />
>> must be in a UIComponent -- can you please file a bug on this on the
>> JSFT Issue Tracker? You can try this as a work-a-round:
>> <f:facet name="title">
>> <w:panelGroup>
>> <ui:insert name="page_title">Default Title</ui:insert>
>> </w:panelGroup>
>> </f:facet>
>> This will ensure it is inside a UIComponent.
>>> Another thing is using your own taglib "facelet-components".
>>> You wrote that the parameter "facelets.LIBRARIES" is not supported
>>> by JSFT yet. Is there an other way to do this? Because I remember
>>> reading something about JSFTs ability to process facelets-taglibs.
>> Jason can correct me if I'm wrong. But I think it automatically
>> processes any files in META-INF/* which end in taglib.xml. I don't
>> think it would be difficult to add the facelets.LIBRARIES support...
>> Jason, any comments?
>> Thanks!
>> Ken
>>> Regards
>>> Oliver