Facelets Migration

From: Oliver Wolff <>
Date: Mon, 04 Aug 2008 13:44:38 +0200

Hi all

I'm currently working on a prototype using jsf 1.2 and woodstock,
details see below. Due to problems with facelets 1.2 support
(xxxExpressions) I think about switching to jsftemplating as ViewHandler.

The problems:

1: Do I have to use xhtml files or can I use other XML-Formats as well?
Currently I'm using jspx (Hack for eclipse: autocomplete with facelets).

2: How can I make it work at all? Currently I´m trying to use a
templated <ui:compostion> layout but only the
<ui:compostion></ui:compostion> part of the composition.jspx is rendered
(literally without processing / replacing) without the content of the
corresponding layout page. Is <ui:compostion> supported at all?

3: What is the correct configuration? I found a side-by-side example
(facelets and jsftemplating)
but I want to use a single ViewHandler not two: What configuration is
needed therefore? As far as I understand:

No <view-handler> needs to be configured, the configuration will be
taken from the jsftemplating.jar


Is there anything more that needs to be configured? Do I need any more
Libs for facelets support?

Container & Libs:
Woodstock 4.3 build 6
JSFTemplating May Stable, current nightly (4th August)
RI 1.2 09
Tomcat 6.016
Eclipse 3.4
