Facelets and JSF syntax in JSFTEMPLATING

From: Stuart Russell <Stuart.Russell_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Thu, 29 Nov 2007 18:10:10 +0000

hi there

Im hoping someone will help me out .

I have an application using jsftemplating and woodstock components using
the facelets syntax . However , whenever I define a component
within a jsf page ( be it a woodstock or std jsf component )
I get the following exception.
Basically I must have something missing in my app but unfortunately the
example to show how to use facelets is not online anymore
( I get proxy error both from inside sun and from home ).

Can someone please provide me an example of using jsftemplating with
facelets syntax as I am really under pressure to complete this
application .
( BTW: I was using facelets but the ajax portion of dynafaces was
causing me problems at the last stage of the project ).

Any help really appreciated.

java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Could not find type conversion for type "class javax.faces.el.MethodBinding" (value = "sqlReports"