probably your rule does not have a priority that is high enough.
to overwrite one of the styles-rules, that set visited links to be not
underlined you will probably have to write a rule that
a) uses !important
b) has a selector priority higher then any other rule setting the text-
decoration with !important
so for a start try:
a:visited {
text-decoration: underline !important;
color: #whatever-color-code !important;
if that does not work, as most of the rules that I have seen are
".class + tag" based it might be sufficient to do:
div.tutorial a:visited { /* if your main-container div has
class="tutorial" */
... see-above....
if that still does not work, extend the selector until you win against
the java.net defined ones:
#extend .the .selector #with. whatever #you .have
#to .select .the .containing .block .of .the #tutorial .so .its
#priority .gets .high .enough a:visited /* ;) */ {
read about the priority rules at w3c or a similar resource (i don't
remember them anymore, because i rarely have to "patch" stylesheets
not written by our company)
On 12.11.2007, at 02:31, Michael Phoenix wrote:
> Interesting, but I visited some of the other urls that I didn't add
> and they still had underlines. The weird thing is, I changed the
> tutorial to have visited underlined and it didn't take, so I'm not
> sure if adding a wrapper with the application class really will
> help, but I'll give it a shot. Sure glad to hear I'm not the only
> one who thinks the css set up for java.net is a mess:-)
> On Nov 11, 2007 2:09 PM, Imre Oßwald <io_at_jevelopers.com> wrote:
> Oh ok,
> the underline and the lightblue color vanishes, if the link is
> visited (which is why i did not see your problem).
> It does not happen to the links in JSF or f.e. https://jsftemplating.dev.java.net/
> (so java.net is not causing the "problem").
> The css is quite a mess, but as far as I can tell, you can solve
> this by wrapping the whole content, that should have the links into
> a container element (for example a <div>) with class 'application'.
> there is a rule:
> .application a:visited
> to set color and underlining
> Hope this helps,
> Imre
> On 11.11.2007, at 22:39, Michael Phoenix wrote:
>> Imre,
>> Sure, I do have the information buried in the conversation, but
>> here are the urls and the problem lines of text to make it easier
>> to find..
>> https://jsftemplating.dev.java.net/tutorials/pageSyntax.html
>> The code for each factory may be found at <jsftemplating root>/src/
>> java/com/sun/jsftemplating/component/factory/sun. Javadocs for this
>> and any other code may be found at Javadocs Index.
>> You can also create your own components as detailed in this link
>> User Defined Components.
>> https://jsftemplating.dev.java.net/tutorials/pageSyntax4.html
>> check out this link http://www.roseindia.net/jsf/facet.shtml.
>> https://jsftemplating.dev.java.net/tutorials/events1.html
>> You can find a list of built-in events and handlers at this link:
>> handler and event list.
>> Here is the documentation on how to create a handler: user-defined
>> handlers.
>> On Nov 11, 2007 9:37 AM, Imre Oßwald <io_at_jevelopers.com> wrote:
>> Hi Mike,
>> could you give me the URL where i can see that behavior? I could
>> not find a page that does not have underlining and light-blue-color.
>> Imre
>> On 11.11.2007, at 03:21, Michael Phoenix wrote:
>>> Ken,
>>> Somebody who knows a lot about how the site's default link styles
>>> work needs to take a look at this. The links I added are under the
>>> same css classes as old links that are exhibiting underlining.
>>> I tried over-riding by adding link selectors to the tutorial class
>>> in site.css, which is within the jsft cvs module, but it still
>>> doesn't work under java.net.
>>> I think somebody who is responsible for the java.net stylesheets
>>> should give us a clue as to what is going on here. Getting the
>>> links to display consistently should not be this difficult.
>>> Mike
>>> On Nov 10, 2007 2:34 PM, Michael Phoenix <michaelandrewphoenix_at_gmail.com
>>> > wrote:
>>> Ken,
>>> The thing is, what java.net is enforcing isn't consistent. Many of
>>> the links are underlined and colored. Only the ones that I have
>>> just created are lacking. Also, if I understand you correctly, you
>>> don't really have a preference as to how I deal with this by style
>>> sheet or hard coded tags. Am I correct here?
>>> Mike
>>> Mike
>>> On Nov 9, 2007 9:32 PM, Ken Paulsen <Ken.Paulsen_at_sun.com> wrote:
>>> Michael Phoenix wrote:
>>>> Ken,
>>>> No, I really don't have a clue why it would appear differently
>>>> when it's in the java.net environment than it does when I display
>>>> it directly from my computer.
>>> This is b/c the files served from java.net get merged w/ templates
>>> on the server. The css that gets defined on the page isn't just
>>> what is checked into the jsftemplating web site. That's just how
>>> java.net does it.
>>>> I don't think that I have the access to mess with the server or
>>>> anything outside of the JSFT soecific HTML I looked at the style
>>>> sheet we have and it does not seem to have anything to do with
>>>> underlining or color for the anchor tag. Adding code to the style
>>>> sheet to enforce a uniform color and underlining for the links
>>>> would be one answer. The problem is that the only way to "test"
>>>> the changes would be to check them in and make them "live" on the
>>>> Web site. The other possibility is simply putting color and
>>>> underline tags in each anchor tag text area. What do you think?
>>> I don't think it matters if the style has or doesn't have the
>>> color / underlining. Whatever style java.net wants to impose is
>>> fine with me. I think trying to fix it on a single page will
>>> result in too much effort. I am fine with you making lots of
>>> checkins to test the changes... that's what I have had to do in
>>> the past at times.
>>> I think you might be able to get all the generated css by saving
>>> the page with Firefox (or maybe IE?? not sure). When you do this
>>> it will save all the images, js, and css that is needed by the
>>> page as well... although this might be more work than it is worth
>>> since the generated HTML page is not the same as the checked in
>>> html page... so you'd have to cut/paste etc.
>>> Ken
>>>> Mike
>>>> On Nov 8, 2007 1:58 PM, Ken Paulsen < Ken.Paulsen_at_sun.com> wrote:
>>>> Hi Mike,
>>>> Did you find an answer to the problem? If you think we should
>>>> change the styles for the page(s), we can do this.
>>>> Ken
>>>> Michael Phoenix wrote:
>>>>> I did the updates that I discussed here a few days ago. However,
>>>>> I have one problem that I cannot figure out. When creating a
>>>>> link through <a> tag the text is underlined and blue when I
>>>>> display the page through my browser from the computer. However,
>>>>> when I check in the page and look navigate to it through the Web
>>>>> site, the underlining and color change doesn't happen. Anybody
>>>>> know why this is? I know that I could partially fix it by adding
>>>>> underline and color tags, but would have a heck of a time
>>>>> getting the right color. The style sheet site.css doesn't appear
>>>>> to effect underlining. Here are a couple of lines from
>>>>> pageSyntax.html that show this behavior:
>>>>> <p>The code for each factory may be found at
>>>>> <jsftemplating root>/src/java/com/sun/jsftemplating/
>>>>> component/factory/sun. Javadocs for this and any other
>>>>> code may be found at <a href="https://jsftemplating.dev.java.net/nonav/javadoc/index.html
>>>>> ">Javadocs Index</a>. </p>
>>>>> <p>You can also create your own components as detailed
>>>>> in this link <a href="https://jsftemplating.dev.java.net/doc/UserDefinedComponents.html
>>>>> ">User Defined Components</a>.</p>