Re: JSFTemplating: Facelets Snytax giving java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: ComponentType 'html' not defined! error

From: Jason Lee <>
Date: Mon, 17 Sep 2007 12:01:58 -0500

On 9/17/07, Barrie Selack <> wrote:
> I'm closer to getting jsftemplating integrated into my project. I now see
> the seam components with info.jsf (although I'm not using them yet). I'm
> tying to use the facelets syntax *the jsf syntax works) I downloaded the
> latest nightly jars, as I can't get to CVS from work.
> When I bring the samples into my project and go to decorate.jsf, I get:
> java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: ComponentType 'html' not defined!
> If I remove the template for simpleTemplate.xhtml, the page renders, but
> includes data that should not render.

What does your template look like? If you don't have the Facelets namespace
declaration, then the FaceletsLayoutDefinitionManager will not claim the
file, and the TemplateLayoutDefinitionManager like will. If that's the
case, it doesn't know about <html> so you have to do "<html> (note the
leading quote).

Jason Lee, SCJP
Software Architect -- Objectstream, Inc.
JSF RI Dev Team