Hi Karam,
Supporting the attributes you need on the column could look something
like this:
<sun:table ...>
<sun:dynamicColumnTableRowGroup data="#{dataOnly}"
[TableRowGroup properties here]
It is necessary to pass in a List of values because each column needs a
value for each of these properties.
There are other ways (including passing in a data structure that
contains all the info in one EL expression), I'd like to know what you'd
prefer. I'd also probably want to support all the other TRG properties
to make it generally useful.
Karam Singh Badesha wrote:
> Ken,
> Actually TableRowGroup is ok to stay on the jsf page, all I need is a
> way to pass the various columns (tableColumn) to the page. Currently
> on tableColumn I only use following properties:
> id headerText
> footerText
> rowHeader
> sort
> align
> width
> spacerColumn
> In the following example:
> <sun:table ...>
> <sun:dynamicColumnTableRowGroup data="#{dataOnly}"
> columnVisible="#{listOfVisibleValuesOneForEachColumn}"
> columnSortIcon="#{listOfSortIconValuesOneForEachColumn}"
> ...
> [TableRowGroup properties here] />
> </sun:table>
> What does columnVisible and columnSortIcon do? In this approach where
> do I specify the columnHeaders? If this approach is straight forward
> and I can get the column headers etc from a resource file, its fine
> with me.
> thanks
> Karam
> Ken Paulsen wrote:
>> Hi Karam,
>> We need to work out what tableData's data structure looks like. The
>> table component could have all it's properties as as it normally does
>> (no need to worry about them). However, you're hiding the
>> tableRowGroup and tableColumn components... so they'll need to be
>> created from the data.
>> TableRowGroup supports the following properties:
>> tableDataSorter
>> onDblClick
>> onKeyPress
>> sourceData
>> aboveColumnFooter
>> extraFooterHtml
>> onKeyUp
>> onMouseUp
>> extraHeaderHtml
>> footerText
>> align
>> selectMultipleToggleButton
>> onClick
>> groupToggleButton
>> toolTip
>> onMouseDown
>> tableDataFilter
>> multipleColumnFooters
>> rows
>> sourceVar
>> valign
>> first
>> onMouseOut
>> multipleTableColumnFooters
>> onMouseOver
>> onMouseMove
>> emptyDataMsg
>> selected
>> collapsed
>> visible
>> aboveColumnHeader
>> onKeyDown
>> headerText
>> styleClasses
>> aboveColumnHeader
>> onKeyDown
>> headerText
>> styleClasses
>> TableRowGroup also supports these facets:
>> header
>> footer
>> TableColumn supports these properties:
>> spacerColumn
>> width
>> onDblClick
>> sort
>> selectedId
>> onKeyPress
>> severity
>> rendered
>> rowHeader
>> extraTableFooterHtml
>> extraFooterHtml
>> onKeyUp
>> onMouseUp
>> styleClass
>> descending
>> embeddedActions
>> height
>> extraHeaderHtml
>> align
>> footerText
>> scope
>> style
>> sortImageURL
>> onClick
>> sortIcon
>> toolTip
>> onMouseDown
>> alignKey
>> tableFooterText
>> valign
>> noWrap
>> onMouseOut
>> onMouseOver
>> emptyCell
>> visible
>> onMouseOut
>> onMouseOver
>> onMouseMove
>> emptyCell
>> visible
>> onKeyDown
>> headerText
>> TableColumn defines these facets:
>> footer
>> header
>> tableFooter
>> So as you can see, the data structure is non-trivial. However, it
>> may not be as bad as it seems either. If we can agree to not try to
>> generate TableRowGroup, we can leave its definition in the .jsf
>> file. I don't think it adds a lot of value to try to eliminate it.
>> As for all the properties on TableColumn... we could decide to
>> support only a subset. And/or we could create a naming pattern to
>> cause the factory to apply the values correctly -- this is made more
>> difficult, however, b/c there are multiple TableColumns and the
>> values may vary between the TableColumns.
>> So we need to know what properties will be supported directly by your
>> proposed "data" property (if any), and which will require additional
>> properties in the jsf file delegate. For example:
>> <sun:table ...>
>> <sun:dynamicColumnTableRowGroup
>> data="#{dataPlusPropertiesForAllTableColumns}"
>> [tableRowGroup properties here] />
>> </sun:table>
>> OR:
>> <sun:table ...>
>> <sun:dynamicColumnTableRowGroup data="#{dataOnly}"
>> columnVisible="#{listOfVisibleValuesOneForEachColumn}"
>> columnSortIcon="#{listOfSortIconValuesOneForEachColumn}"
>> ...
>> [TableRowGroup properties here] />
>> </sun:table>
>> As you can see, the first approach requires a complex data structure
>> that you must populate. The 2nd approach requires you to create the
>> same order of complexity, however, it is distributed among multiple
>> List objects which contain the properties to set for each column.
>> What do you think?
>> A 1-off solution wouldn't have to be so generic and could be more
>> specific to your data and needs. You could use either the "binding"
>> attribute, or a custom factory (like above), but it would allow to
>> only do the work you need for your use case.
>> Ken
>> Karam Singh Badesha wrote:
>>> Here is example of how it might look like in .jsf file:
>>> <sun:table data="#{pageSession.tableData}"
>>> .../>
>>> tableData will have all the column tag information and in the .jsf
>>> page there will be no column tags. Please suggest a way to take care
>>> of this. It is not really my app specific, it can be used by anyone.
>>> thanks
>>> Karam
>>> Karam Singh Badesha wrote:
>>>> Ken,
>>>> Here is an example of what I am trying to do:
>>>> Right now in the .jsf page I have to list the column tag with
>>>> header etc. I have the situation where I have drop down boxes and
>>>> depending upon different selections, number of columns and column
>>>> headers could change. And I want the control to be defined in the
>>>> Resources file, etc number of columns, column headers etc. I am not
>>>> sure how it will work myself, as the jsf code is changing (when
>>>> number of columns change). I think when we talked last time, you
>>>> suggested that I somehow create the table object in java code
>>>> (handler) and pass it to the page. What do you suggest? Let me know
>>>> if this is clear or not.
>>>> thanks
>>>> Karam
>>>> Ken Paulsen wrote:
>>>>> Hi Karam,
>>>>> I can look into doing this... however, after reading the issue
>>>>> more closely, I need some more information from you. How do you
>>>>> want to specify the table columns from the page?
>>>>> TableColumns typically have children, so they'd also have to be
>>>>> created. Do you want those to just be staticText? Or do you want
>>>>> control over what type they are also? Which TableColumn attribute
>>>>> do you want control over? Perhaps you can provide an example of
>>>>> what you'd like it to look like in the .jsf file?
>>>>> After looking at this more closely, I suspect this may end up
>>>>> being custom for your needs. However, if I can keep it generic
>>>>> and useful for others as well, I will.
>>>>> Ken
>>>>> Karam Singh Badesha wrote:
>>>>>> Hi Ken,
>>>>>> Is it possible to get a solution for issue #10 in jsftemplating?
>>>>>> I really need some solution for this so that create dynamic
>>>>>> tables. Please let me know.
>>>>>> thanks
>>>>>> Karam