Hi Karam,
I can look into doing this... however, after reading the issue more
closely, I need some more information from you. How do you want to
specify the table columns from the page?
TableColumns typically have children, so they'd also have to be
created. Do you want those to just be staticText? Or do you want
control over what type they are also? Which TableColumn attribute do
you want control over? Perhaps you can provide an example of what you'd
like it to look like in the .jsf file?
After looking at this more closely, I suspect this may end up being
custom for your needs. However, if I can keep it generic and useful for
others as well, I will.
Karam Singh Badesha wrote:
> Hi Ken,
> Is it possible to get a solution for issue #10 in jsftemplating? I
> really need some solution for this so that create dynamic tables.
> Please let me know.
> thanks
> Karam