No problem... I'll be up for a couple hours in case you still have
build problems. On windows (like Fred already hinted at), keep your
path to the JSFT source short, i.e.: c:\jsft. I recommend Java 6 w/
Ant 1.6.5 (for now, will be moving to ant 1.7 soon). Or you can use
ant 1.7 now, but you'll have to use Java 5 then (or remove the
ant-apt.jar file from the JSFT source tree). Make sure your points to GlassFish. Make sure your paths to ant,
jsft, and GlassFish don't have spaces in the path... just to be safe
(i.e. don't have C:\program files\...). You should not need to have
ANT_HOME set and it can even cause problems if it is set, but ant
should be in your path.
That sums up the tips that I have for people on windows (besides
download Ubuntu ;) ). Good luck! :)
Irfan Ahmed wrote:
Sorry, I was out by the time this mail came through.
Warm Rgds
Ken Paulsen wrote:
Hi Irfan,
The out.txt file didn't come through. If you aren't too tired (I know
it's around midnight there), you're welcome to join the JSFTemplating
developer meeting in 10 minutes.
Irfan Ahmed wrote:
Ken Paulsen wrote:
The key is that it built correctly. The LayoutViewHandler.class needs
to be there.
This class exists
faces-config.xml file needs to be in the jar.
This is also present
the *.map files need to be in the jar.
I could not find any *.map files.
Output of jar tvf jsftemplating.jar is attached.
Its pretty late here.. I will give it a shot again tomorrow.