Hello everyone,
Please welcome Imre Oßwald to the prestigious rank of JSFTemplating
Imre has been a very active participant on the #jsftemplating irc
channel (and the ##jsf and #glassfish channels for that matter!). He is
a JSF expert and has an idea for everything. :) I am personally looking
forward to the great ideas that Imre has to contribute to the project.
Here are some interesting pieces of information about Imre:
* He lives in Germany
* He is online all the time (he doesn't sleep)
* He has attended all the developer meetings so far
* He is very experienced with Facelets
* He goes by "qoob" on IRC, and "ioss" on java.net
* He speaks 5 languages fluently: German, English, Hungarian,
Portuguese, and French.. he also speaks some Spanish and Italian.
* He is a Doctor, so you may want to call him Dr. Imre or Dr. qoob (on
IRC)... or come to him for medical advice. :)
So if you don't already know Imre / qoob, come meet him on the
#JSFTemplating IRC channel on irc.freenode.net and congratulate him on
his developer status.
Ken Paulsen