Sounds great, thanks Mike!
Michael Phoenix wrote:
> Ken,
> Hey I can take a hint! :-) I'll try to check into it. However I am
> going to be out of town for the next few days and am not sure how my
> access to the internet will be. So it may be a few days before I get
> to it.
> Mike
> On 4/24/07, *Ken Paulsen* <
> <>> wrote:
> Sure! Sorry about the late notice. I would also like to setup a
> Google calendar (or something similar) so people can subscribe to
> it and/or get rss feeds. If anyone wants to set that up....
> (hint, hint)
> Thanks!
> Ken
> Michael Phoenix wrote:
>> Ken,
>> Might I suggest sending out the reminder a little earlier?
>> Mike
>> On 4/24/07, *Ken Paulsen* <
>> <>> wrote:
>> *Who:*
>> Developers interested in contributing to JSFTemplating,
>> or those interested in hearing about JSFTemplating development.
>> *When:*
>> Today Tuesday, Apr 24th, at 12PM PDT (GMT-7)
>> *Phone information:*
>> (866)545-5227 (US Toll-Free)
>> (865)673-6950 (International-Caller Paid)
>> Access Code: 3535518#
>> *WebEx information:*
>> Meeting Name: JSFTemplating Developer Meeting
>> PASSWORD: glassfish
>> *Agenda:*
>> * Development status
>> * Facelets Status / Issues
>> * Other questions / topics for future developer meetings
>> Thanks!
>> Ken Paulsen