Re: JSFTemplating: Wow! This could solve a lot of problems. However I can't find the TLD?

From: Ken Paulsen <Ken.Paulsen_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Thu, 28 Sep 2006 10:10:48 -0700

The attachment would help... I just saw your other emails, I'll reply


Ken Paulsen wrote:
> Hi Todd,
> The jsftemplating page I referred you to
> ( describes
> what is needed to extract the files needed to use components from
> Creator. Once you have these files, you can use them in your JSF
> environment w/ Facelets, etc. I "think" Facelets also requires the
> TLD, which isn't mentioned in this document. I think the tld is in
> webui.jar, I wouldn't think you'd need to extract it, though... but
> perhaps this is a Facelets requirement? This page also described where
> to get some of the documentation for the components (
> The JSFTemplating project is very similar to Facetlets in many ways,
> but works much differently and has some different strengths. It
> supports 2 formats for defining pages, 1 is an XML based approach, the
> other is an HTML-like approach that attempt to simplify things more.
> One of the biggest (in my opinion) features of JSFTemplating is it's
> use of "handlers" for processing events. These promote better
> code-reuse and simplify development.
> In regard to TLD's, JSFTemplating doesn't require them. It does,
> however, require a "Factory" class for instantiating a component. This
> provides a way of customizing components based on your needs. For
> example, you can have a factory that takes in parameters (i.e.
> database table names, fields, etc.) and configures a DataProvider for
> your table so that you don't have to write any Java code for each
> table that you want to use. Or... you can use the default factories
> that are provided that include every feature that is published via the
> TLD's. The TLD's themselves aren't used b/c that is a JSP concept that
> describes what options are available... JSFTemplating makes all
> options available automatically and doesn't need to know about them
> ahead of time. This does leave it up to the developer, however, to
> know what options they need (the component documentation is important).
> If you want to try the Tree out in a JSFTemplating based project,
> follow the setup instructions on the site (basically create a simple
> web app w/ the jsftemplating and creator jars in the WEB-INF/lib).
> Then drop the attached file into your app.
> Let me know if you have more questions...
> Ken
> Todd Patrick wrote:
>> First of all, thanks Ken for pointing this out to me.
>> I currently have a project that has the following:
>> Server: Tomcat 5.0.28
>> Database: Oracle 10g
>> JSF 1.1
>> Facelets 1.1.11
>> Spring
>> Acegi-Security
>> Right now, I am running just fine with no problems. However, I need a
>> Tree and Tab component due to project requirements. The Tree component
>> in the webui.jar from SJSC2 would be perfect, however I was having a
>> heck of a time adding it to my project.
>> I'd add the necessary .jars, and added the following to my page:
>> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
>> "">
>> <html xmlns=""
>> xmlns:ui=""
>> xmlns:h=""
>> xmlns:f=""
>> xmlns:rave="http://>
>> <ui:composition template="/common/template.xhtml">
>> <ui:define name="title">Petro Admin: EAI/GFT</ui:define>
>> <ui:define name="body">
>> <rave:staticText id="statictext1" text="some text to
>> display" />
>> </ui:define>
>> </ui:composition>
>> </html>
>> However, this didn't work at all, what would happen is nothing would be
>> rendered in the browser, but viewing the source would display:
>> <rave:staticText id="statictext1" text="some text to display" />
>> Thus, the component wasn't rendered. I downloaded examples and wrapped
>> the rave:staticText in it's own rave:form.
>> Plus, I tried nesting the rave:staticText component in:
>> <ui:page>
>> <ui:html>
>> <ui:head id="head" title="Test text page" />
>> <ui:body>
>> <ui:form id="form1">
>> That didn't work either...
>> So, back to my original question, I downloaded jsftemplating.jar and ran
>> jar -xvf to view the contents, I can't find any TLD information?
>> How do I use the components offered?
>> I looked at the layout.dtd, I *think* the only components offered are:
>> Resources
>> ComponentTypes
>> HandlerDefinitions
>> - InputDef
>> - OutputDef
>> event
>> - handler
>> - input
>> - outputMapping
>> layout
>> - if
>> - foreach
>> - while
>> - facet
>> - staticText
>> - component
>> - option
>> - list
>> - event
>> - markup
>> - attribute
>> Insight would be appreciated on how the components are supposes to be
>> used.
>> Thanks!
>> --Todd
>> Todd Patrick Web Developer DTN 9110 West Dodge Road, Suite 200 Omaha,
>> NE 68114
>> Phone: 402-255-8155 Fax: 402-255-8825
>> DTN Smarter Decisions

<rave:page id="page">
  <rave:html id="html">
    <rave:head id="head" title="$resource{i18n.peTree}" />
      <rave:form id="form">
        <rave:tree id="tree" text="Example Tree" url="/wherever.jsf" imageURL="images/someimage.gif" target="targetFrame" clientSide="#{true}">
            <rave:treeNode id="treeNode1" text="Tree Node 1" text="Tree Node 1" url="/wherever.jsf" imageURL="images/someimage.gif" target="targetFrame" />
            <rave:treeNode text="Tree Node 2">
                <rave:treeNode text="Tree Node 3" />
                <rave:treeNode text="Tree Node 4">
                    <rave:treeNode text="Tree Node 5" />
            <rave:treeNode text="Tree Node 6" />