Re: JSFTemplating: Wow! This could solve a lot of problems. However I can't find the TLD?

From: Ken Paulsen <Ken.Paulsen_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Thu, 28 Sep 2006 10:09:41 -0700

Hi Todd,

The jsftemplating page I referred you to
( describes what
is needed to extract the files needed to use components from Creator.
Once you have these files, you can use them in your JSF environment w/
Facelets, etc. I "think" Facelets also requires the TLD, which isn't
mentioned in this document. I think the tld is in webui.jar, I wouldn't
think you'd need to extract it, though... but perhaps this is a Facelets
requirement? This page also described where to get some of the
documentation for the components (

The JSFTemplating project is very similar to Facetlets in many ways, but
works much differently and has some different strengths. It supports 2
formats for defining pages, 1 is an XML based approach, the other is an
HTML-like approach that attempt to simplify things more. One of the
biggest (in my opinion) features of JSFTemplating is it's use of
"handlers" for processing events. These promote better code-reuse and
simplify development.

In regard to TLD's, JSFTemplating doesn't require them. It does,
however, require a "Factory" class for instantiating a component. This
provides a way of customizing components based on your needs. For
example, you can have a factory that takes in parameters (i.e. database
table names, fields, etc.) and configures a DataProvider for your table
so that you don't have to write any Java code for each table that you
want to use. Or... you can use the default factories that are provided
that include every feature that is published via the TLD's. The TLD's
themselves aren't used b/c that is a JSP concept that describes what
options are available... JSFTemplating makes all options available
automatically and doesn't need to know about them ahead of time. This
does leave it up to the developer, however, to know what options they
need (the component documentation is important).

If you want to try the Tree out in a JSFTemplating based project, follow
the setup instructions on the site (basically create a simple web app w/
the jsftemplating and creator jars in the WEB-INF/lib). Then drop the
attached file into your app.

Let me know if you have more questions...


Todd Patrick wrote:
> First of all, thanks Ken for pointing this out to me.
> I currently have a project that has the following:
> Server: Tomcat 5.0.28
> Database: Oracle 10g
> JSF 1.1
> Facelets 1.1.11
> Spring
> Acegi-Security
> Right now, I am running just fine with no problems. However, I need a
> Tree and Tab component due to project requirements. The Tree component
> in the webui.jar from SJSC2 would be perfect, however I was having a
> heck of a time adding it to my project.
> I'd add the necessary .jars, and added the following to my page:
> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
> "">
> <html xmlns=""
> xmlns:ui=""
> xmlns:h=""
> xmlns:f=""
> xmlns:rave="http://>
> <ui:composition template="/common/template.xhtml">
> <ui:define name="title">Petro Admin: EAI/GFT</ui:define>
> <ui:define name="body">
> <rave:staticText id="statictext1" text="some text to
> display" />
> </ui:define>
> </ui:composition>
> </html>
> However, this didn't work at all, what would happen is nothing would be
> rendered in the browser, but viewing the source would display:
> <rave:staticText id="statictext1" text="some text to display" />
> Thus, the component wasn't rendered. I downloaded examples and wrapped
> the rave:staticText in it's own rave:form.
> Plus, I tried nesting the rave:staticText component in:
> <ui:page>
> <ui:html>
> <ui:head id="head" title="Test text page" />
> <ui:body>
> <ui:form id="form1">
> That didn't work either...
> So, back to my original question, I downloaded jsftemplating.jar and ran
> jar -xvf to view the contents, I can't find any TLD information?
> How do I use the components offered?
> I looked at the layout.dtd, I *think* the only components offered are:
> Resources
> ComponentTypes
> HandlerDefinitions
> - InputDef
> - OutputDef
> event
> - handler
> - input
> - outputMapping
> layout
> - if
> - foreach
> - while
> - facet
> - staticText
> - component
> - option
> - list
> - event
> - markup
> - attribute
> Insight would be appreciated on how the components are supposes to be
> used.
> Thanks!
> --Todd
> Todd Patrick
> Web Developer
> 9110 West Dodge Road, Suite 200
> Omaha, NE 68114
> Phone: 402-255-8155
> Fax: 402-255-8825
> DTN Smarter Decisions