action attribute and command event

From: Priti Tiwary <Priti.Tiwary_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Mon, 11 Sep 2006 12:31:36 -0700

i have a button with action attribute and handlers in command event for
that button. Is it possible that the handlers can change the value of
action attributes value and decide where to navigate..

TO be more elaborate.
case is as follows:

navString is set to abc.jsf in the beginning..

<sun:button id="oneBtn" action="#{navString}">

is it possible that button oneBtn navigates to efg.jsf instead of
abc.jsf(set initially) if the testHandler changes navString values

Priti Tiwary          		M/S SCA16-2425
Sun Microsystems, Inc.		4160 Network Circle
Voice: +1 408 276 5559          Santa Clara, CA 95054      
Cell: +1 510 396 4431           United States