Re: JSFTemplating: jsftemplating build change

From: Priti Tiwary <Priti.Tiwary_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Mon, 24 Jul 2006 10:44:46 -0700

Hi Anissa, Ken
Thanks for your input. The culprit was i had empty jsftemplating
directory lying in the directory where i was trying to checkout.

Anissa Lam wrote:
> Hi Priti,
> I have no problem checking out on my winXP.
> Its true that even if i use, it still
> require me to do the cvs login first. I am not sure whats the
> password, i just press Enter when it asks for password. And it let
> me through.
> After that, i can checkout without any problem. I also make sure i
> don't have jsftemplating in my directory before running the co command.
> C:\AnissaWork>ls jsftemplating
> ls: jsftemplating: No such file or directory
> C:\AnissaWork>
> C:\AnissaWork>cvs -d co
> jsftemplating
> cvs checkout: cannot find password
> cvs [checkout aborted]: use "cvs login" to log in first
> C:\AnissaWork>
> C:\AnissaWork>cvs -d login
> (Logging in to
> CVS password:
> C:\AnissaWork>
> C:\AnissaWork>cvs -d co
> jsftemplating
> cvs server: Updating jsftemplating
> U jsftemplating/README.txt
> U jsftemplating/aptbuild.xml
> U jsftemplating/
> U jsftemplating/build.xml
> U jsftemplating/cddl1.html
> U jsftemplating/cddl1.txt
> cvs server: Updating jsftemplating/lib
> cvs server: Updating jsftemplating/lib/ant
> U jsftemplating/lib/ant/KEYS
> U jsftemplating/lib/ant/LICENSE
> C:\AnissaWork>which cvs
> C:\iastools\bin/cvs.exe
> The cvs i use was from the package that was from the
> pre-build checklist put together many years ago when we build app
> server 8.0. Here is the doc location:
> As it
> point out in the doc, is at
> Hope this help.
> Anissa.
> Ken Paulsen wrote:
>> Hi Priti,
>> Did this work for you on XP the way you have it configured in the past?
>> It sounds like on XP the cvs client you are using isn't working
>> correctly. I don't have windows available to me right now, but did
>> just try it on solaris and linux and it worked (as you said it
>> would). I didn't seem to need to login when using "guest", so I
>> think this step is probably not needed. I also used my id /
>> password and was able to checkout fine... perhaps you can try w/
>> yours instead of guest to see if it makes a difference?
>> The checkout process doesn't involve ant, so that shouldn't matter.
>> Perhaps the MKS Toolkit is the problem? The cvs server is the same
>> one that GlassFish (and the rest of uses, and I haven't
>> heard of other similar problems. I don't administer or have any
>> control over the CVS server. I did have a problem a month or two ago
>> where I couldn't access a file that I checked in under the docroot
>> via the web... I had to file a bug against for them to fix
>> it and that took a couple weeks.
>> Try using a different cvs client on windows if you can't figure it
>> out another way... I just tried google and found serveral complaints
>> about that same message (not related). One site suggested
>> that it may be b/c the directory already exists that you're trying to
>> checkout?? You might try google to see if you can find an answer.
>> Good luck!
>> Ken
>> Priti Tiwary wrote:
>>> HI Ken,
>>> trying to cvs checkout jsftemplating from cvs server on
>>> windows xp is giving following error to me
>>> # cvs -d login
>>> (Logging in to
>>> CVS password:
>>> # cvs -d co jsftemplating
>>> cvs checkout: in directory jsftemplating:
>>> cvs checkout: cannot open CVS/Entries for reading: No such file or
>>> directory
>>> cvs [checkout aborted]: cannot write <CVS/Template file>: No such
>>> file or direct
>>> ory
>>> # cvs -d login
>>> (Logging in to
>>> CVS password:
>>> # cvs -d checkout jsftemplating
>>> cvs checkout: in directory jsftemplating:
>>> cvs checkout: cannot open CVS/Entries for reading: No such file or
>>> directory
>>> cvs [checkout aborted]: cannot write <CVS/Template file>: No such
>>> file or direct
>>> ory
>>> the same commands work fine for me on Solaris. ant version on
>>> solaris is 1.4.1 and winxpp is 1.6.5
>>> I am using MKS Toolkits c shell to do checkout.
>>> Priti
>>> Ken Paulsen wrote:
>>>> I changed the way apt is invoked in the JSFTemplating project. I
>>>> believe this will simplify the build process, however, I know from
>>>> past experience that different people's environments, versions of
>>>> ant, etc have caused problems. Please let me know if you run into
>>>> any build problems (esp. wrt "apt").
>>>> Basic summary of the change: build.xml calls aptbuild.xml when it
>>>> needs to compile files via apt. Doing this allows the ant-apt.jar
>>>> to be specified automatically.
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Ken
>>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>> Subject:
>>>> [CVS JSFTemplating] CVS update: /jsftemplating/
>>>> From:
>>>> Date:
>>>> Thu, 22 Jun 2006 08:08:56 +0000
>>>> To:
>>>> To:
>>>> User: kenpaulsen
>>>> Date: 2006/06/22 01:08:56
>>>> Added:
>>>> jsftemplating/aptbuild.xml
>>>> Modified:
>>>> jsftemplating/build.xml
>>>> Log:
>>>> * Moved that <apt> task to its own build.xml (aptbuild.xml) file.
>>>> This
>>>> allows me to invoke ant on itself passing in the required
>>>> ant-apt.jar
>>>> file... and making the build work out of the box (provided ant
>>>> 1.6+).
>>>> File Changes:
>>>> Directory: /jsftemplating/
>>>> ==========================
>>>> File [changed]: build.xml
>>>> Url:
>>>> Delta lines: +7 -13
>>>> --------------------
>>>> --- build.xml 9 Jun 2006 01:36:13 -0000 1.9
>>>> +++ build.xml 22 Jun 2006 08:08:53 -0000 1.10
>>>> @@ -1,12 +1,13 @@
>>>> <!-- Build file for JSFTemplating -->
>>>> <project name="JSFTemplating" default="build" basedir=".">
>>>> - <taskdef name="apt"
>>>> classname="" />
>>>> <!-- Set properties -->
>>>> - <property environment="env" />
>>>> <property file="" />
>>>> <property file="" />
>>>> + <!--
>>>> + <property environment="env" />
>>>> <property file="${user.home}/" />
>>>> + -->
>>>> <path id="dependencies">
>>>> <pathelement location="${servlet-api.jar}" />
>>>> @@ -69,16 +70,10 @@
>>>> <target name="compile" depends="jar-apt-files">
>>>> <mkdir dir="${build}/." />
>>>> - <!-- Compile the java code from ${src} into ${build} -->
>>>> - <apt srcdir="${src}"
>>>> - fork="true"
>>>> - destdir="${build}/."
>>>> - debug="${compile.debug}"
>>>> - deprecation="${compile.deprecation}"
>>>> - excludes="**/annotation/**"
>>>> - optimize="${compile.optimize}">
>>>> - <classpath refid="dependencies" />
>>>> - </apt>
>>>> + <exec dir="." executable="ant">
>>>> + <!-- We do this to add the ant-apt.jar to the lib path -->
>>>> + <arg line="-f aptbuild.xml -lib lib/external/ant-apt.jar
>>>> compile" />
>>>> + </exec>
>>>> </target>
>>>> <target name="jar" depends="compile">
>>>> @@ -162,5 +157,4 @@
>>>> <!-- build all sample apps under the samples directory -->
>>>> <ant dir="samples" target="build" />
>>>> </target>
>>>> - </project>
>>>> File [added]: aptbuild.xml
>>>> Url:
>>>> Added lines: 32
>>>> ---------------
>>>> <!-- Build file for JSFTemplating -->
>>>> <project name="JSFTemplating" default="build" basedir=".">
>>>> <taskdef name="apt"
>>>> classname="" />
>>>> <!-- Set properties -->
>>>> <property file="" />
>>>> <property file="" />
>>>> <!--
>>>> <property environment="env" />
>>>> <property file="${user.home}/" />
>>>> -->
>>>> <!-- The "dependencies" path should exist in both build.xml
>>>> files -->
>>>> <path id="dependencies">
>>>> <pathelement location="${servlet-api.jar}" />
>>>> <pathelement location="${jsf-api.jar}" />
>>>> <pathelement location="${jsftemplating-dt.jar}" />
>>>> </path>
>>>> <target name="compile">
>>>> <!-- Compile the java code from ${src} into ${build} -->
>>>> <apt srcdir="${src}"
>>>> fork="true"
>>>> destdir="${build}/."
>>>> debug="${compile.debug}"
>>>> deprecation="${compile.deprecation}"
>>>> excludes="**/annotation/**"
>>>> optimize="${compile.optimize}">
>>>> <classpath refid="dependencies" />
>>>> </apt>
>>>> </target>
>>>> </project>
>>>> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
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