Re: Component Documentation

From: Jason Lee <>
Date: Tue, 11 Sep 2007 14:04:07 -0500

On 9/11/07, RhythmicDevil <> wrote:
> I am new to JSF and Java in general. I come from a LAMP background. I am
> very frustrated at the moment and I hope someone here can help me. I was
> recently hired as a UI Engineer at a company that wants to use JSF. I am
> paired up with someone who does all the backing bean stuff and I only have
> to worry about the UI. Sounds easy I thought. We are using the core JSF,
> Rich Faces and Trinadad tags. My biggest problem right now is trying to
> find
> decent documentation and examples. The Rich Faces one is not bad but
> Trinidad is abysmal. They have all these cool tags but how and when to use
> them is not always clear to me. Does anyone here have any suggestions for
> documentation and/or examples for JSF Trinidad tags?

I've not used Trinidad (and am only a fairly new -- and pretty impressed --
user of RichFaces), but you might look at some of the ADF Faces
documentation from Oracle. Trinidad is the OSS incarnation of ADF, so the
documentation, I'm guessing, should still be pretty useful. I don't think
there is much if any divergence between the two, but, since I don't use
either, have not followed them very closely.

Jason Lee, SCJP
Software Architect -- Objectstream, Inc.
JSF RI Dev Team