Pending Merge

From: Jason Lee <>
Date: Mon, 15 Sep 2008 17:13:18 -0500

Many moons ago, I began the effort (at Ken Paulsen's request and with
the Woodstock team's blessing) to migrate the Woodstock JSF metadata
annotations (@Component, @Renderer, @Property) and the associated
processor to the JSF Extensions source tree, with Ed's blessing. For
the curious, the use of the annotations was documented in the article
Ken and I wrote (
) as well as one of my presentations at JSFOne (

Since Ed is out of the country, I spoke with Roger about the merge,
and he gave me a conditional OK, but requested I post a diff to the
dev list, so here it is. I put the annotations under dev-time, so I
moved what was there to dev-time/misc, and made dev-time/pom.xml a
multi-module pom. The artifact ID for what was there did not change,
so end users should not see any changes. If there are no complaints,
I'd like to commit my merge and get these two now annotation artifacts
published. Thanks! :)

Jason Lee - x31197
Senior Java Developer, Sun Microsystems
GlassFish Admin Console Team