Re: [JSF-EXT] CDATA in markup of response

From: Ed Burns <>
Date: Fri, 22 Sep 2006 12:04:36 -0700

>>>> On Fri, 22 Sep 2006 16:31:43 +1000, Roger Keays <> said:
--text follows this line--
RK> Hi there,
RK> I'm using DynaFaces to AJAXify an existing component. There seems to be
RK> a problem though, because the component outputs a <![CDATA[ section
RK> which prematurely closes the repsonse's markup CDATA and causes a
RK> javascript error.

RK> Is anybody aware of this problem? Could it be fixed easily?

Yes, this is definately a limitation. If your component outputs a CDATA
section, you're out of luck with the current design of DynaFaces.

I've thought about this one a little bit while in the design phase, but
haven't come up with a solution yet.

Any ideas?


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