Re: [JSF-EXT] dynafaces + facelets?

From: Ed Burns <>
Date: Fri, 22 Sep 2006 05:19:32 -0700

>>>>> On Thu, 21 Sep 2006 20:02:55 +1000, Roger Keays <> said:

RK> Hi,
RK> I've been trying to use the dynafaces snapshot with facelets, but
RK> without success. Just as test I'm trying to do

Hello Roger,

Thanks for your interest and have this and your other issue in my
queue. Unfortunately, I will not be able to get to it today, but it is
important to me that I do get to it soon.

RK> <ext:ajaxZone id="zone1">
RK> <h:form prependId="false">
RK> <h:inputText id="in">
RK> <f:validateLength minimum="5"/>
RK> </h:inputText>
RK> <h:message for="in"/>
RK> <h:commandButton value="submit"/>
RK> </h:form>
RK> </ext:ajaxZone>
RK> <hr/>
RK> <ext:ajaxZone id="zone2">
RK> ${}
RK> </ext:ajaxZone>

RK> But I don't get any AJAX functionality. Is the above code a proper usage
RK> of <ext:ajaxZone>?

Yes. At this point I'm going to ask you to start debugging this. The
DynaFaces binaries are built with debugging enabled. Therefore, if you
mount up the source directories in an IDE and start glassfish with

./asadmin start-domain --debug=true domain1

You can connect on JPDA port 9009. Here are some things to verify.

1. Start out with "View Source". Verify that the zone generates
extra JavaScript in the page.

2. If that's not the case, it's possible the AjaxZoneRenderer isn't
being invoked. Try setting a breakpoint at AjaxZoneRenderer.encodeBegin
or encodeEnd. Make sure the breakpoint gets hit. If it doesn't then
you have found a bug. Really, I've only tested the zones with JSP, but
they are meant to work in Facelets as well.

RK> I am testing on JSF1.2_02 + facelets 1.1.10a, deploying to both tomcat
RK> 5.5.17 and glassfish. My test WAR file is at

I'll take a look at this as soon as can.


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