[jpa-spec users] Re: JPA_SPEC-25: map back and forth between CriteriaQueries and JPQL queries

From: Steve Ebersole <>
Date: Thu, 04 May 2017 23:29:09 +0000

Oh, I see... you mean taking a Query, getting it's SQL and altering that
SQL (e.g. to surround with a count aggregation). So I can see the benefit
of this to an extent. But again, all the other questions are still there.

On Thu, May 4, 2017, 6:25 PM Steve Ebersole <> wrote:

> I'm not understanding. If the JPA provider can't generate SQL that it can
> execute, how would someone execute it?
> Not to mention you'd have to expose other things like JDBC params to have
> this doable. And what about multi-valued parameters? Would the SQL
> already be expanded to account for them? If so, now this #getSqlString
> becomes time-dependent in terms of when it can be called. Etc... Just a
> lot of questions. Which is why I said I would not expose it.
> On Thu, May 4, 2017, 5:58 PM arjan tijms <> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> On Fri, May 5, 2017 at 12:53 AM, Steve Ebersole <>
>> wrote:
>>> Can definitely see the usefulness of this.
>> Thanks
>>> Whether it happens in this MR is a different question.
>>> I'd personally avoid exposing the SQL.
>> Sometimes it's a necessity for things that JPA just can't do. For
>> instance, JPA can't universally do a count over any random query, but in
>> SQL this is trivial (for most databases, that is).
>> For a longer explanation see:
>> Kind regards,
>> Arjan Tijms
>>> I'd also suggest adding a note that getting the JPQL from a Query and
>>> especially from a criteria query is a potentially expensive operation, for
>>> those considering using it in a toString e.g.
>>> On Thu, May 4, 2017, 5:27 PM arjan tijms <> wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> See
>>>> This would be an incredible useful feature to have and largely would
>>>> "just" be exposing methods that all persistence providers already seem to
>>>> have internally.
>>>> Linda herself said:
>>>> "*Being able to map back and forth between CriteriaQueries and JPQL
>>>> queries would be useful to have. This is something that should be
>>>> considered in a future release. See also
>>>> <>*"
>>>> Wonder if this could be considered for the MR.
>>>> Kind regards,
>>>> Arjan Tijms