[jpa-spec users] Fwd: Which annotations are 'mapping annotations' as referenced by the JPA specification?

From: Yi, EungJun <>
Date: Mon, 12 Oct 2015 18:06:16 +0900

I am reading JPA 2.1 speicification and have a question.

In JPA 2.1 specification, Section 2.3.1 (page 27):

> The default access type of an entity hierarchy is determined by the placement of mapping annotations on the attributes of the entity classes and mapped superclasses of the entity hierarchy that do not explicitly specify an access type.

In the above sentence, what is and what is not "mapping annotation"?
Does the specification provide the complete list of mapping

At first glance, section 11.1 "Annotations for Object/Relational
Mapping" looks like the list. But the list contains @Transient which
seems not to be a mapping annotation because the specification says:
"Mapping annotations must not be applied to fields or properties that
are transient or Transient." (Section 2.3.1 page 28)

ps. I posted this question at Stackoverflow [1] and heard that here is
the right place to discuss the issue.
