[jpa-spec users] [jsr338-experts] Re: new spec draft (PFD candidate) and orm.xsd

From: Rainer Kwesi Schweigkoffer <>
Date: Wed, 20 Feb 2013 14:25:53 +0100

Hi Linda,

Linda DeMichiel, am 18 Feb 2013 hast Du um 13:59 zum Thema "[jsr338-
experts] new spec draft (PFD candidate) a" geschrieben :

> I've just uploaded a new spec draft and orm.xsd file to our project
> downloads area:
> These reflect the recent updates to the foreign key metadata.
> I would like to submit this draft (or something very close to it)
> to the JCP at the end of the week as the JPA 2.1 Proposed Final Draft.
> Please let me know if you find any issues.

thanks a lot for the tremendous work that you have put into this draft.
Please allow me for some minor comments:

3.7 3rd paragraph p. 108

construst -> construct

3.7.1 javadoc of addKeySubgraph 1st paragraph p. 110

"Use of ... to the graph". Given the general remark in the 2nd
paragraph of the javadoc of the interface on p. 109, and in consistence
with the other javadocs of addKeySubgraph this sentence should be
removed, shouldn't it?

3.7.3 javadoc of getClassType p.116

Would expect something like "Return the java class of the managed type
for which ...". pp. 119 - 121

Would it make sense to consistently replace "fetch" by "load"
throughout this section?

3.10.2 javadoc of setLockMode throws clause p. 138

Criteria API query -> CriteriaQuery query

7.4 javadoc of addNamedEntityGraph p. 338

A remark on the (non-)effect on already created mutable copies (similar
to the addNamedQuery javadoc) might be helpful.

9.4 p. 384 2nd bullet last sentence

I believe to remember a discussion on whether both script targets need
to be set even if the action (either create or drop) triggers only one
script to be created, but the current wording of the spec is not clear
enough to me to understand what the outcome of the discussion has been. 2nd paragraph 2nd sentence p. 491

in -> is

Best regards

Rainer Schweigkoffer               SAP AG Walldorf
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