[jpa-spec users] [jsr338-experts] Re: Proposal for EntityGraphs, fetch plans, etc...

From: Linda DeMichiel <>
Date: Fri, 07 Dec 2012 13:10:09 -0800

Hi Rainer, all

On 12/4/2012 5:25 AM, Rainer Kwesi Schweigkoffer wrote:
> Hi Gordon, all,
> thanks for your quick response. Please find my comments inline.
> Gordon Yorke, am 3 Dec 2012 hast Du um 21:39 zum Thema "[jsr338-
> experts] Re: Proposal for EntityGraphs, f" geschrieben :
>>>> My concern with this pattern is readability. Users must scan through
>>>> the entire object model to determine what is in an entity graph and what
>>>> will be loaded or what is missing for their case. This pattern also can
>>>> get quite complicated quickly when there are multiple "contracts" in
>>>> place for a particular entity.
>>> Actually, this concern works both ways: With the given proposal, if a
>>> user wants to understand what views are available of a particular
>>> entity, all entity graphs throughout both the entire object model and
>>> the coding must be scanned for.
>> No because the entity graph is defined at the entity level and the
>> entity graph only applies to the entity where it is defined. So to view
>> how queries for Address will load Address and related entities one only
>> has to look at the Address entity. There would be no need to search the
>> related entities to see how the Address query will access that data.
> If it is Address you mention, one could imagine that Address might be
> related to different entities such as e.g. Employee (home and work
> address), Customer (billing and shipping address), Company and many
> more. For each of them there might exist a named graph with the
> respective entity as root, that may affect loading of Address instances
> via one of its subgraphs. Even different occurrences of Address within
> the same entity graph (e.g. home address and work address) might yield
> different load strategies. Plus, there might be dynamically created
> entity graphs affecting Address. That's what I meant.

Yes, and I think this argues for the entity graph approach. For example,
as an employee, I don't want my home address exposed (or necessarily
loaded), although exposing my work address is fine. As a customer, I
don't want my work address exposed/loaded. Similarly for home/work/cell
phone numbers.

best regards,


>>>>> Concerning the copy operation, I think, I have not fully understood the
>>>>> copied entity's state and identity.
>>>> What parts are unclear?
>>> When e.g. an employee, as per the example in the proposal, gets copied,
>>> what is identity and state of the resulting copy?
>> The copy has the persistence identity of the copied entity and it's
>> version but only has the state that the entity graph template designated
>> should be copied.
> Actually, with state I was referring to detached vs. managed vs. new.
> Kind regards
> Rainer
> ---
> Rainer Schweigkoffer SAP AG Walldorf
> Regulatory Compliance TIP Core JI
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