On 7/23/2012 9:58 AM, Matthew Adams wrote:
> Ok, so from your answer, I take it that it is the implementation's responsibility to walk up the entity's metadata
> hierarchy through any mapped superclasses until the class defining the identity is found.
> Is that specified? The spec currently says:
> /**
> * Return the attribute that corresponds to the id attribute of
> * the entity or mapped superclass.
> * @param type the type of the represented id attribute
> * @return id attribute
> * @throws IllegalArgumentException if id attribute of the given
> * type is not present in the identifiable type or if
> * the identifiable type has an id class
> */
> <Y> SingularAttribute<? super X, Y> getId(Class<Y> type);
> Potential javadoc clarification:
> "Return the attribute that corresponds to the id attribute of the entity, mapped superclass, or the id of the entity's
> or mapped superclasses' superclass(es). This method must not return null."
> Better? Is there a TCK test for this?
Not sure. I guess I don't understand the confusion, given that there is a getDeclaredId method.
The method pairs getXXX, getDeclaredXXX mirror what java.lang.reflect does, so I really don't
think this needs a change.
Under what circumstances would you imagine that it would return null rather than throw an IAE?
p.s. I'll let our TCK engineer respond to the test question.
> -matthew
> On Mon, Jul 23, 2012 at 11:05 AM, Linda DeMichiel <linda.demichiel_at_oracle.com <mailto:linda.demichiel_at_oracle.com>> wrote:
> Hi Matthew,
> On 7/23/2012 6:44 AM, Matthew Adams wrote:
> Hi all,
> Scenario: entity "app.domain.Profile" extends abstract mapped superclass "app.domain.AbstractEntity". If
> AbstractEntity defines a single string field as its @Id, should the IdentifiableType instance corresponding to
> app.domain.Profile guarantee that its getId(Class) method will never return null?
> In other words, is it up to the client of the JPA metamodel to go up the entity's type hierarchy until it finds the
> SingularAttribute for the id field, or should the JPA implementation do that?
> I'm not sure I understand your question fully. However, it is the responsibility of the metamodel implementation
> to return the SingularAttribute that is the value of getId (this may involve traversing the hierarchy if getId
> were not defined in the IdentifiablyType itself).
> -Linda
> Thanks,
> Matthew
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